I Don’t Know About You Guys…

...but I am getting drrrruuuuunnnnnkkkkkk tonight. I'm planning on going to a brewery after work and drowning my sorrows in beer with some close friends, then coming home with my lady-friend and raiding my whiskey supply while old Simpsons episodes play in the background. I guess what I'm saying is, open drinking


This isn't Duchess' Inferno. If anything I am Virgil, here to guide you on a tour... well o.k. probably I am more akin to Virgin since this is my first time. First Circle (Limbo) – the Kommunity. Limbo is a place for people who would have had a great day/week had

What’s Next?

Xmas Ape has left KSK, and KSK may soon follow. This site is basically the spiritual successor to KSK like KSK was the creation of Deadspin commenter refugees. With Ape gone, I feel like we're in the position of Redford and his team in The Candidate. Fuck, we won? What do

It’s Almost Week-End Eve!

Thursday is an overlooked day. But if you're like me your weekend plans have crystallized for the most part on this day. If you aren't living your "dream job that isn't like work at all job" then the end of Thursday signifies that you only have 8 more hours left

Cocktails of the NFC

Unless otherwise specified, the mixing instructions for all these drinks are the same. Put in glass, maybe with some ice if you're fancy, drink. NFC EAST The Giants 1/4 oz Creme de Violette 3/4 oz Blue Curacao 1 Grape Capri Sun (Eli's favorite) 2 oz gin The

The Bandock Saints Are Born

Boston, MA [Connor and Murphy McManus and David Goodella Roggo sit at a round kitchen table in a dimly lit apartment, drinking and smoking, while SportsCenter plays in the background.] Neil Everett: ...but unless something drastic is done, the Red Sox don't seem like they are going anywhere but down in their