Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Go for 3!

Welcome back to the Beat! Last time out, the Dutch had a rough go, Chomp learned about the foibles of technology, and we met a robot that had a… pneumatic fist as its weapon, and the Internets responded as you'd expect. Fister Roboto Bale Spear does not make an appearance in

2018 World Cup Preview: Iceland

The other day I saw an ad on the social medias that wasn't about Cambridge Analytica, but was for some liquor stating that due to the United States not qualifying for the World Cup we should all be rooting for Iceland. Now, I found this quite peculiar, because I'm fairly

House of Pain: Dabbin’ on Them Sauces No, not that one. Definitely not that one. Even if it is Squidward doing it. This one. This is The Last Dab. Background time! Hot Ones is a webseries hosted by Sean Evans where he asks celebrities questions as they eat progressively spicer chicken wings. The first wing is relatively mild (depending on