Sharkbait’s (Not) Cocktail of the Week: Down With The Sickness

Life pro tip. Avoid sinus infections. I’d rate them 0/10.

That’s right. Due to this lingering infection, I’ve got nothing made this week, for the second week in a row in fact. I woke up on Fathers day to the room spinning like I was drunk, but minus all the fun and my head feeling like it was in a vise grip, along with constant vertigo! I ended up spending the next 2 days in bed before coming back from the cape (because of course we were down there when all this happened). A trip to my doctor confirmed that A) I was not having a stroke, and B) I had a pretty nasty sinus infection and put me on antibiotics. The first round expired last Sunday but I was still feeling the effects afterwards so I got another weeks worth which will finish up this weekend.

Suffice to say I have not had any booze these last two weeks since antibiotics and alcohol don’t really mix too well. Which is super unfortunate because right before I got sick, BFC sent me this nice care package:


That is some cherry heering, and some quality sweet vermouth. I’ve had that before, but need to start stocking it on the regular clearly. Now I had big plans for the heering. I was going to re-make a Remember The Maine, which was one of the first drinks I made in this column. I used maraschino liqueur instead so it wasn’t quite the same. Figures now I can do it properly and I’m unable to do so, at least temporarily.

Thankfully I’m about 95% better. The constant vertigo is gone, and has been for days now. I just have lingering sinus pressure that still affects my balance slightly when I’m walking around (THANKS INNER EAR!). Next week I’ll be back to my regular self and making some tasty cocktails.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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