Monday Morning Mock Draft: Stop Taking Elton John, I Said We’re Drafting FLAGS!!

Good morning to you all.  Short week for yours truly, as I’m “working” today and tomorrow, then disappearing until next Tuesday.  My holiday may include more training towards climbing Mt. Katahdin at the end of the month, which means I may try to go up a 4,800 footer in New Hampshire, which means I may literally disappear.

I would suggest looking at the bottom of some of the steeper parts of the trail.

This weekend however I, like you, have been spending probably too much time watching international Lesser Footy. Which means I’ve see a lot more of Alexei Lalas than I’d like to, (i.e. “any”), and a whole bunch of flags.  Big ones, little ones, too many painted on cheeks, not enough painted on breasts.

Much like Mrs. Justice Alito, I like flags.  Like Justice Alito, I like free trips.  But no one offers them to me, because I am not in a position to set the US regulatory system back to the Golden Age of the 1890’s, when industries could save money by dumping tar into the reservoir, and use 9-year-olds to do it!

But I digress.  We were discussing flags.

This week we’re drafting flags.  It must be a real flag, but it does not need to be limited to a country.  You can also draft a state flag, a movement flag, a team flag, anything like that.  Once a flag has been drafted it is out for all other iterations:  you can’t draft the American flag a second time and then say “but I’m hanging this one upside down because my neighbor called me a cunt” for instance.

With the first pick I’m taking Key West’s flag.


It’s cool and it represents one of my favorite places to spend a few days doing nothing other than drinking too much while deciding whether to snorkel, read a book, or go get something to eat.

The commissioner was going to be Mrs. Alito, but I really don’t want to look at either of the Alitos ever again, so I’ll just do it.

The rest of you are on the clock.

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