DFO Radio: Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal

Last week, our favorite cumslinger stopped by to take your requests for your favorite music for when you're grinding gears in the backseat, and you folks stepped up admirably.  I must admit, though, I'm a bit disappointed that Kellen Winslow Jr. didn't stop by with a request for Divinyls or

Request Line: Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal with Rex Grossman

Folks, there isn't as single place on this planet where Rex Grossman hasn't made the ladies holler. Hotels, motels, planes, trains, sailboats, nightclubs, haylofts, changing rooms, dorm rooms, coat rooms, operating rooms, Mike Shanahan's office, circus tents, ski lifts, elevators, balconies, vineyards, movie theaters, backstage, ON stage, alleys, horse-drawn carriages, shipping