Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 116)

The scene: The Iguana Mart, where WCS and Mr. Ayo are grabbing a frosty beverage at a Tiki bar. Brick Meathook is seated with them, wearing a straw hat and sunglasses. He’s still unconscious, courtesy of Future Clone Lynda Carter and her bag full of Diggler’s Donuts.

Mr. Ayo: So in your time everyone wears masks?

WCS (sighing): Well, not everyone. Which is kinda the problem…

Brick Meathook (suddenly waking up): Bumbleberries! Gah! Hey, what happened…?

WCS: You got beat up by a girl.

Brick Meathook: Beat up…? Hey, I remember now! She sucker-punched me!

WCS: More like doughnut-punched. Thinking about it, though, getting beaten to death by hot girls with doughnuts is pretty much how I want to go out.

Mr. Ayo: You humans are weird.

Brick Meathook: Damn it, all this doughnut talk is making me hungry. Is there anything to eat around here?

WCS: I had a chou à la crème. Old School Zero was right. It’s fantastic with caramel sauce!

Mr. Ayo (pointing to his glass): I went for the café liégeois myself. Just enough caffeine to perk me up, but not enough to interfere with the vanilla yumminess.

WCS: I’ll have to try that next time!

Brick Meathook (disgusted): I meant food, not froufrou Frenchy deserts!

Covalent Blonde (walking up): Jeez, what got his skirts in a ruffle?

WCS: CB! Where’ve you been?

Covalent Blonde: Ah, one of the salesmen here trapped me in some kind of timeshare sales pitch or something. I don’t really know what he was selling, since I fell asleep. I think I won a prize, though, since they’ve been giving me all this free stuff.

WCS: Cool! Hey, I met these guys…

Covalent Blonde: Spritle and Chim Chim? Yeah, we gave them a ride here when Debs and I were out test-driving my new truck.

WCS (going pale): You’ve got a car…?

Covalent Blonde (grinning): Wait until you see it.

Mr. Ayo: My name’s not “Chim Chim,” by the way…

Covalent Blonde: Cool. So, are we out of here or what?

Brick Meathook: Co-Violent Blonde! I knew I knew you!

Covalent Blonde (turning toward Brick): That’s Covalent Blonde, Spritle. And just how the hell do you know me?

Brick Meathook: You’re one of the DFO! My partner and I were working on a case involving your gang back in…

WCS (interrupting): A case…?

Covalent Blonde (dangerously): You’re a cop…?

Cut to: The interior of Doktor Zymm’s RV, about fifteen seconds before you last saw it (when it was about to run over Horatio, Moosemas Gorilla, PK and Otto). With Future Clone Lynda Carter in hot pursuit and peppering the RV with her laser pistol, Rikki-Tikki-Deadly is desperately searching for the RV’s weaponry on the overly-complicated dashboard.

Future Clone Debbie Harry (behind the wheel): Would you hurry up and find something to shoot her out of the sky with?

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly: I’m trying! Jeez! I’m under a lot of pressure here, y’know!

Future Clone Debbie Harry’s eyes widen as she accelerates over a ridge, and straight towards the DFOers.

Future Clone Debbie Harry: Frek! This is going to get messy…

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly (pushing a button on the dashboard): Ha! That’s gotta be the laser!

In response, rockets pop out of the sides of the RV and launches it into the air. It soars above the DFOers, which is good, but hits Future Clone Lynda Carter’s hoverbike, which is not so good. The hover bike spins in a three-sixty, then comes crashing down into the sand near Horatio and company.

Moosemas Gorilla (surprised): Ook!

Horaio Cornblower (on the ape’s shoulder): Huh. Was that Debbie driving the RV? Zymm’s gonna be pissed…

Otto’s Brain: Better question is, what happened to the babe on the flying bike? I mean, the bike’s here, but where did she go…?

Moosemas Gorilla (pointing up into the sky): Ook!

The DFOers look up to see the RV flying around the sky, the rocket trail forming an erratic figure eight. And on top of the RV, holding on for dear life, is Future Clone Lynda Carter.

PK: Jeepers!

Moosemas Gorilla hauls the hover bike out of the sand and kicks the engine to life.

Horatio Cornblower (putting on a teeny-tiny pair of goggles): Yeah, buddy! This is the stuff we live for!

PK scoops up Otto’s Brain and gets on the back of the bike.

Moosemas Gorilla: Ook?

Otto’s Brain: Hey, we live for this stuff, too!

Horatio Cornblower (skeptically): Really?

Otto’s Brain: Well, nah, but like I’m gonna let you guys get all the glory for rescuing the mega-babe.

Moosemas Gorilla cranks the accelerator and the hoverbike shoots off into the air. It closes the gap to the RV in seconds, not because it’s faster (it isn’t), but because the RV is currently being driven (flown) by a somewhat mentally unstable clone who, in her defense, is behind the wheel of a vehicle that’s barely meant to maneuver on the open road, much less in the sky.

Moosemas Gorilla pulls up on the RV, expertly staying close despite its erratic maneuvering. He narrowly avoids a side swipe, then accelerates up and above the RV. Future Clone Lynda Carter is still hanging onto the roof, but just barely.

Horatio Cornblower: That’s it, pal! Now just move in a bit closer…

Suddenly the RV pivots in the air, slamming into the hoverbike. Although Moosemas Gorilla hangs onto the bike, and Horatio Cornblower hangs onto him, Future Clone Lynda Carter is knocked free of the RV while PK and Otto fall off the bike and onto the RV’s roof. PK scrambles for a grip but his stubby fingers can find no purchase. Otto, meanwhile, just rolls right off the edge and plummets toward the earth.


Moosemas Gorilla (cranking the hoverbike around): Ook-ook!!!

Horatio Cornblower: You’ve got it, pal! Otto will be fine, but that lady needs our help!

PK (sliding around on the RV’s roof): Hey, what about me?

Moosemas Gorilla zips toward Future Clone Lynda Carter, who has her arms and legs out to increase wind resistance and slow her fall. She sees the two DFOers coming towards her on the hoverbike and raises an eyebrow.

Future Clone Lynda Carter: Well, this might be the weirdest thing I’ve seen all day.

Moosemas Gorilla pulls the hoverbike close and reaches out a large, furry arm. Future Clone Lynda Carter grabs hold and he hauls her onto his lap on the bike.

Moosemas Gorilla (happily): Ook!

Future Clone Lynda Carter: Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time I’ve been grabbed by a gorilla.

Horatio Cornblower: We know. That’s one of Moose’s favorite GIFs.

Moosemas Gorilla: Ook? Ook-ook!

Horatio Cornblower: Yeah, I keep thinking we’re forgetting something, too…

On top of the RV, PK screeches as the airborne vehicle twists and turns, sending him sliding all over the place. As Future Clone Debbie Harry attempts to get control, the nose of the RV dips precipitously, sending PK sliding over the top and down the front, where he grabs a lip above the windshield and hangs on for dear life.

PK (screeching): Haaaaaallllppp!!!

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly looks up from the dashboard to see the rotund figure of PK sliding around the windshield as the RV zigs and zags across the sky.

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly (horrified): There’s…something on the windshield!

Future Clone Debbie Harry (glancing up from the controls): Oh, that’s just my other lackey.

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly: Other lackey…? Waitaminnit, I’m not…

Future Clone Debbie Harry (yelling at PK): Lackey! Get out of the way! I can’t see a thing!

PK (sliding around): Sorry, Empress…!

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly (playing with the dashboard again): Dammit, I know there’s a control here to dim the windshield. Beerguyrob used it when we accidentally drove through that albino nudist camp…

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly pushes another button on the dash. The RV’s rockets retract and the vehicle starts to plummet from the sky.

Future Clone Debbie Harry (glaring): Really?!!!

Rikki-Tikki-Deadly (gulping): I mean, all the buttons sorta look the same…

PK (still hanging on): Guys? I think we’re falling…!

Future Clone Debbie Harry (sarcastically): Oh, aren’t you the perceptive one.

To be continued…


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Beastmode Ate My Baby
A frequent guest-star on the award-winning seventeenth season of Here Come the Brides as well as Petticoat Junction: The Outlaw Years, Vic Darlington was arrested in Miami for poodle smuggling in 1986. Fleeing to the United States to avoid prosecution, he worked as a delivery boy for Señor Pizza until finding a steady gig as the bassist for the Johnny Zed Power Trio. He currently lives in North Hollywood with his trophy wife, two meerkats and the world's largest collection of second-hand bowling trophies.
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Looks like team future clones is blasting off again!!!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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That’s A GREAT picture!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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HRTN changed into Mad Max so gradually, I didn’t notice.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

I’m alive! I thought I was dead, or vanished or something . . .

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So sitting in a car all day with a poor diet gets you a coronary.


WAS a cop!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Wooooo, that was action packed! As an Extremely White Woman(EWW) I would fit right in at an albino nudist camp. To avoid permanent eye damage from the glare, I highly recommend sunglasses when viewing my exposed flesh, even at night.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Clear nipples! It’s like the Predator…. you can move about unseen….. except for your sunglasses.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fortunate in these days that it wasn’t worse.

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When you realize you’re all out of bubblegum.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Those damned hoverbikes!


I do have to say that I do have a bit of a letdown every time PK shows up in an episode and he doesn’t die a gruesome death.

Game Time Decision

I’m hopeful that his man-bun is the thing that causes his death.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

He can’t show a “little” leg, tho.

Horatio Cornblower

So glad I didn’t go back for PK; would’ve been totally out of character.


I do enjoy starting my weekend with Hard Ride To Nowhere.
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It’s the sign that things are going to be alright!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

These make Fridays a lot better.

Makes me not want to share with anyone who is not currently enjoying it, #hoarding.


“Hey! That’s my Ma!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No, the truth is.

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