Sharkbaits Cocktail of the Week: New Starts

Hey there. Welcome to 2025! Apologies for the lack of a tasty beverage last week, time just got away from me. Having a mid week Christmas with multiple family obligations will do that. The same thing nearly happened this week too. Time just got away from me.

The same thing nearly happened again. Putting together a large cabinet for the Sharkbait offspring’s playroom, I realized I didn’t have anything on tap. So, in a fit of quick thinking, I went with something quick. Bougie hot chocolate with some orange liqueur. It’s an all day type drink (I’m totally not having this over breakfast, no sir…) and stood easy to whip up.

1 mug of hot milk or water

2 tbsp Bougie hot chocolate mix

2-3 oz. Orange liqueur (Triple Sec)

Heat up a mugs worth of milk, either on the stovetop until just bubbling on the edges or in the microwave. Stir in the hot chocolate mix until all melted and worked into the milk. Add liqueur and stir. Top with whipped cream (optional)

Well this is excellent of course. The liqueur is very subtle. To the point that it’s almost undetectable. I can get that there is something in here, but it’s covered by the richness of the chocolate and the milk. The range flavor does however make it through to add a nice background citrus flavor.

I normally would have gone Grand Marnier here since it’s a bit softer than triple sec, but I ran out of it over the holidays. However, now that I’ve had this version, I don’t think I will going forward. The little bit of extra orange punch it has is needed to compliment the sweetness of the hot chocolate.

So yeah, that’s it. Simple, seasonal and delicious. Also a little bit surprising with how effective the triple sec was. Next time I want to try this with some of the cayenne hot chocolate mix I have. I can imagine how good that would be.

Once again, happy 2025 to you all. Hopefully it’s a great year for us all.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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