Hey! We made it! I don't know about you all but once again this week just took it out of me. But at least we've got college basketball to keep us company in the afternoon while we pretend to work. Even I get sucked into it, and I know fuck
Hey! We made it! I don't know about you all but once again this week just took it out of me. But at least we've got college basketball to keep us company in the afternoon while we pretend to work. Even I get sucked into it, and I know fuck
Hooray for the weekend once again. Thanks to having two kids, I have a plethora of fruit on hand at all times. Because nobody tells you when you have kids, you always have fruit on hand. Added to our pile of fruit, my father in law overbought on strawberries and
Happy NHL Trade deadline Friday! I'll be glued to TSN all day today, hoping the Ice Giants sell like Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy at the end of Trading Places. Anyway, I don't know about all of you but lately I've been feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted. I wonder
Hello, good morning, and welcome to the weekend, and what a week it has been. I don't know why but this week was a killer and crazy busy for me. What this means is I've been looking to keep things simple this week. So while a drink is MUCH needed,
Happy Friday once again! This week is kind of a parenting win for me. I don't know how I did it, but I got Sharkette into watching cooking shows. The French Chef and Julia and Jacques: Cooking at home. I don't know why she likes it so much, but I'll
Hello once again, and welcome to the first weekend of the off season. This week I'm going back to the Savoy cocktail book for some inspiration. Originally, I wanted to use the orgeat I have from my friends bar again, and I thought there was a gin based orgeat drink
Why hello there, and welcome to Hate Week Friday. Where oh where to begin? There is so much to hate on right now, almost too much actually. It's rather exhausting to be honest. Instead, I'm choosing to focus my time and energy on the positives going on, at least for this morning. We've
Welcome once again to Friday, the happiest day of the week. This week I was thumbing through the Savoy cocktail book looking for inspiration and I came across a familiar looking drink: The Cooperstown Cocktail. What made it look so familiar is that it's a split vermouth base with gin.
Happy Friday friends. I’m back using the supposedly terrible Ardbeg Wee Beastie this week. Again, this isn’t the worst whisky I’ve ever had, but I don’t know if it would be high on the ordering list if I was out at a bar. Still not making a promised painkiller, though
Well, it's that time of year once again. Maybe I have a mild case of seasonal depression but it seems like this time of year, I start longing to be somewhere else. Maybe it's because after the holidays, I would prefer to skip straight to spring, and the fact that
Happy first full work week of the year. To kick off 2025, I had a challenge. During the holidays, I went to my sister's house and there she had a bottle of Ardbeg Wee Beastie that was to live there for when my father or myself came to visit and
Hey there. Welcome to 2025! Apologies for the lack of a tasty beverage last week, time just got away from me. Having a mid week Christmas with multiple family obligations will do that. The same thing nearly happened this week too. Time just got away from me. The same thing nearly