INT. RECORDING STUDIO - VERY EARLY MORNING The PRODUCER sits on the floor, with his back up against the couch. He's unconscious and his breathing is shallow. The camera pans to the doorway, where a shadowy figure appears. --- [doorway flies open] --- DJ 3000: OH, GOOD, YOU MADE IT. THANKS FOR COMING. BLAKE
Tag: dfo ratio
Request Line: VisionQuest 2020 (Part 1)
Request Line: Boots on the Ground
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A disappointed-looking PRODUCER is seated in front of the console, talking on the phone. PRODUCER: ...and of course I'm not a doctor Mr. Brown but I really don't think more cryotherapy is the answer. ANTONIO BROWN: [inaudible] PRODUCER: [sighs] Well, yes, your football career really must come first. I guess