Your “Everybody’s Still Recovering” Monday Open Thread

I’m glad to see we all survived the weekend. Myself, on Friday I organized a pub crawl of some fine craft breweries before the final WHL game of the season – and possibly forever – in Vancouver. I Instagrammed the evening to allow my wife to observe that I wasn’t actually at peeler bars, and well as to remember the route in case I lost something. Then, to atone, it was relatives and cleaning all weekend, so I got to put my bracket in the bin next to some old Economist magazines.

There is no way in hell Gawker is going to have to pay out $140 million. I’m given to assume Florida is one of those states where juries go, “FUCK THE MAN!” and then it gets reduced on appeal?

Well, if he does get to keep it, maybe he can invest in some Cuban hotels once Obama lifts the embargo. It’s so cute to hear Marco Rubio defend the sanctions when not even people supporting him helped him hold off Trump. Hell – Donald should announce the new “Trump Habana” tonight.

Speaking of crazy, Trump picked Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be his key foreign policy advisor. I can’t wait to see the positions on key issues. Syrian refugees? ROLL TIDE! ISIS? ROLL TIDE! Illegal immigration? BURN DOWN AUBURN!

Well, enough talk,

The games! (All times eastern)

NHL:  (4 games total)

  • Panthers @ Rangers – 7:00
  • Flyers @ Islanders – 7:00
  • Kings @ Predators – 8:00

NBA: (9 games total)

  • Spurs @ Hornets – 7:00
  • Magic @ Celtics – 7:30
  • Warriors @ T-Wolves – 8:00

Finally, don’t forget that there’s a new “Better Call Saul” tonight. NO SPOILERS!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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