Fiscal Conservative Now Oxymoron

Republican lawmakers have pledged $12-15 billion to build an unnecessary wall. Healthcare isn’t something the government should be paying for somehow.

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Darkest Timeline Zack Morris
DTZM escaped his dark timeline through a wormhole created by Lord Screech, after he destroyed Bayside for never allowing him to mate with Lisa Turtle. Zach now lives a quiet life in St. Louis with his wife, Darkest Timeline Kelly Kapowski. They have no children, but do have the world's cutest dogs.
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Curse of Marino

LOL its gonna cost more than $15 billion

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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This list could be expanded to include the fact that their ACA repeal ADDS $353 billion to the deficit (according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office:, have introduced a budget that Republican Congressman Justin Amash noted ADDS $9 trillion to the national debt (, and are now considering an infrastructure bill that would cost anywhere from ~$138 billion in “shovel ready” projects to $1 trillion of total spending depending on the final details. Oh, and this is after they ALL voted against the Recovery Act, which funded shovel ready projects and tax cuts demanded by Republican Senators before they all decided they would rather not be on the hook for a vote supporting the President’s work to save the economy. FUCK. THESE. ASSCLOWNS. Put country over party or get the fuck out.


What do you mean “now”?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

One of my favorite Trump gifs; it says quite a bit.

Unqualified to do the wave….. but OK for POTUS.


Fiscal conservate is code for selifsh racist