Sorry folks, park’s closed. Moose outside should have told you.
As you may have surmised, this is not Blax. Well, it is, but it’s not. Blax chose the gifs for your enjoyment and for your submissions. I, on the other hand, am Balls and I am providing the wordy words while the gifs load up.
/ checks watch.
// Not yet.
So, did anyone actually watch the Pro Bowl? Or the skills competition?
What about interracial porn?
So, does it count as interracial porn if it’s a Mexican girl and a white dude and I’m a Mexican that looks white?
Shit, did I just delay the loading of the gifs by adding more gifs?
My bad.
Ok, let’s see what Blax has in store. The words below are his:
This is Balls again. I just have one thing to say:
I love girls that get wet while dancing.
Your turn, fellow perverts.
The least rewarding bowl any of these players will participate in today.