Bub Means Represent! Your Broncos/Saints Thursday Night Football Open Thread

It’s week 7 already and no, I won’t be talking about Payton going back to Who Dat? Land or whatever they call it-you’ll hear far too much of that.

Why yes, I did pick up Bub Means in Math Hard! because I love playing three-dimensional chess (snorts) and I don’t want anyone else to have this potential league winner. WCS is going to have to tell us about him because I believe he has a passing knowledge about the Pitt football program.


-Harrison Butker has a PAC-with the Devil. Funny how all these dumb Christians/Repuplicans all glom onto each other for the grifting opportunities. Word has it they they’ll be raising money to spread ‘traditional values’ and to purchase firewood for the witches they find. They’ll also be building speculum-busting mechas and funding Stepford Wives sewing circle conventions. Don’t forget to wear your 50’s-style honeybee print housedress! Fuckheads.

-Of course the latest KHunt that heads the Chiefs is good with this. After all, his family threw 300k against a ballot measure that would overturn a near total ban on abortion in Missouri.

-After years of doing so, the Browns have decided against putting lipstick on a pig-brass turned down a plan to renovate their existing stadium and want to push forward with a new domed stadium.

To The Game!

-There’s a reason why Bub Means is a thing. First off, he was a second teamer like his guy Rattler and they may have a modicum of chemistry. Also, Olave is out tonight and Shaheed is done for the year after surgery so the pickings are mighty slim at wr right now.

-You Look Familiar-not one to go into battle without some buddies, it should be noted that Payton has (including the practice squad) nine ex-Saints on his roster.

-Another ex of his will have the light shining on him this evening as Drew Brees will be inducted into the Saints Hall of Fame.

-Bo Nix is sorta getting there?: He’s got the arm talent but is only averaging 5.5 yards per throw and his legs have gotten him into the endzone three times so far. Sutton is his favorite receiver but lordy, he has a dreadful 44.7% catch rate, the very lowest among dudes with 15+ grabs.

Go get ’em!

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