Hello and happy Friday once again. I'm still tinkering with the idea I put forth last week about going through the entire Gentleman's Companion. I haven't figured out how it would work yet, or if it's even a feasible idea. More research is clearly needed on the matter. In the
Author: Sharkbait
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: French West Indies
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Now I Am Become Death, The Destroyer of Worlds
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Coffee Coolers
Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Chacun Prépare Sa Propre Mort
Chacun Prépare Sa Propre Mort. A bit ominous for a lighthearted Friday drinking post no? For those that don't speak French, that phrase translates to "Everyone Prepares Their Own Death". What does this have to do with cocktails? Well, apparently it's a tradition to serve this week's cocktail: Ti' Punch. In