Boat Stuck, Part II: Tuesday Open Thread

Sorry kids. Shitty weeks plus misbehaving neurochemistry means you get Grouchy Rev tonight. First, we have another stuck boat. But this time instead of boat constipating world commerce, boat destroyed a major bridge and killed some folks. It also blocked one of America's largest ports. I told you the boats would

Tag It and Bag It: Tuesday Open Thread

It's Tagging Tuesday, where NFL teams express their appreciation for a player by denying him the right to negotiate a market-appropriate salary! As of this writing, nine players have had a tag placed on them. Eight have received the dreaded Franchise Tag, giving their current team near-total control over their fate

Wichita, O Wichita! or No Fun With Peter King: Tuesday Open Thread

So Peter King is stepping back from his primary(?) gig writing 11,000 words per week as a columnist for NBC Sports. This is indeed the end of an era, and you will see a thousand fauning tributes to the football equivalent of everyone's favorite sells-insurance-but-really-wanted-to-be-a-standup-comic uncle. Not here, obviously. Even our deeply-felt

Wide Right: Tuesday Wide Right Thread

Wide right. Wide right wide right wide right; wide right wide right! Wide Right wide right, wide right Wide Right. Wide right wide right- wide RIGHT. Wide. Right. Seriously though- it's a fair cop, guv. A flawed and beat-up team got Got by another flawed and beat-up team with a better coach. It sucks that

Satisfaction: Tuesday Open Thread

Oh that's the stuff. That...that's what Daddy needed. Ok, that got weird, but stay with me, gang. Not every game was what you might call a Barn Burner. And I'm sorry to my Iggles brethren and sistren. The Universe had to balance the scales after giving us the gift of three quarters of

The Man With The Mop: Tuesday Open Thread

The NFL wastes no time chivvying its fans on to The Next Thing once the gratuitous bro-hugs-on-the-sidelines shots are finished- sometimes not even that long. I can't be certain, but within ten seconds of the game-clinching Tuaception Sunday night it seemed like NBC was blaring ads about HOT PLAYOFF ACTION.