A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Prince Lyrics

I wanted to write something about Prince’s recent death, and I also wanted to revive my “Selection Of…” posts. So why not do both, way too long after the moment has passed?

To wit, A Selection Of Phrases From Recent Posts That Would Make Good Prince Lyrics:

…free to generate international heat…

…you only have two eggs and an ass…

…dark, bold, and so much more complex…

…hell, I can simmer a sauce…

…if you didn’t then you haven’t been watching…

…your grandma started to scratch…

…effervescent Hef…

…if it’s fresh don’t be afraid, give me at least two fat stems…

…you woke up in the morning only to find out you made a promise…

…drop down the delirious open…

…have I ever made it perfect, was this one perfect?…

…you know how to do a roux, not brown but blonde…

…the tigers had stolen one from the swans…

…that one damn bite changed my life…

…get the chance to try cherry…

…Hot D team up…


I could not resist adding couple from Prince’s non-union Japanese equivalent:

…orchid with lotsa tentacles…

…team based face shooter…

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Senor Weaselo

Oh sweet, this is a thing again.


Team based face shooter is also a genre of certain non-union Japanese equivalent videos…


Hell that’s the very definition of the entire Japanese porn industry.

Why am I not surprised that we all know so much about Japanese porn?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You forgot the tentacle anime ……

Well, he didn’t forget it, just forgot to mention it.

Teddy's Bridge Over Troubled Water

*scoffs* You all sicken and disgust me…

*slowly pushes hard drive under the bed*

Don’t forget the terabyte external backup.

Senor Weaselo

I’m pretty sure it’s union.