Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hindsight Is 20/20

Another week done in the NFL.  This Thursday, (fun fact, I haven’t watched a minute of any of the Thursday games, and my life is richer for it), we’ll be halfway through yet another NFL, perhaps fittingly as the days get shorter and darker.  So it goes.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t watch much football yesterday.  First of all the Cowboys weren’t playing, so I had that much less reason to care, and more importantly thanks to the myth of global warming it was 75 here in CT so I was outside playing with chainsaws and then mowing my lawn for what had better be the last time this season.  Truly a lovely day to be taken advantage of outside, with no thoughts spared as to what this might mean for the future of the planet, or at least humanity’s time on it.

Nonetheless, time and temperature march ever onwards and upwards, the NFL continues, and that means you have things you’d change about last week’s slate of games.  Go ahead and make those picks below.  No candy option this week, I’m afraid, although I did get at least two suggestions, (bad MFers currently in the sport from Yeah Right, Guys Who Stayed Past Their Expiration Date from Gumbysgirl) (she’s my favorite, don’t tell the others), that I will hopefully remember when we get back to the off-season drafts.  So thank you for that.

With my limited knowledge as to what happened last week I will take the referees noticing that Travis Kelce was ripping the helmet off of a defender on that late 2 point PAT, and maybe call him for that instead of holding on the defender.


At least KC scored on the next play, because I’d have hated to see what the refs came up with the give Mahomes & Co. a fourth chance to tie the game.

Yours below.

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Aaron Donald should’ve ripped Brady’s head off and shat in his neck.

During pregame warmups.


HOOBASTANK and CHEVELLE together at last.




I’d like to have seen more penalties against the Titans, as they should be called.

Also, Astros sweep the series instead of giving Philly any hope.

yeah right

Once again Vikings won while the Packers and Bears both lost.

Maybe I should have drank Becks instead of Bud?

That’s all I got.


Howsabout a little spontaneous combustion for Tawmmy?


Whomever gave the okay to have two games in the late afternoon window, and everyone who supported that decision exiled to a remote Antarctic research post and forced to defeat a hostile, shape-shifting alien form from escaping to civilization.


I would have still been stuck with the Rams.

King Hippo

Q-aron benched after his third pickerception, leaves stadium and retires before game ends.

yeah right

Or visits the latrine and exits stage left Private Pyle style.


OD on the toilet, I like it!


Ha, I was confusing him with Elvis! Thank you. Thank you very much.