The Wire

[Interior] A darkened makeshift office space is beginning to take shape. Red yarn connects three index cards on the cork board. Tables have been moved to accommodate boxes of manila file folders containing paper sheets and receipts of various faded shades of white, pink, yellow, and green. A uniformed man stands with his fingers walking across the file tabs protruding from a box labeled
Tillman Revenues 2021 while a different man quietly sits at a computer with headphones on, scribbling notes onto a clipboard form. Two other men, one white one black, sit near the entrance enjoying a personal conversation.


DETECTIVE SHAKIMA GREGGS: So word on the street is that your boy Sarver is out. Out out. Old Michigan State guy, some mortgage shark, is taking over the Suns and Mercury.

SERGEANT ELLIS CARVER: Well that’s pretty interesting to hear considering I just rolled up on some yo’s in Peoria and half of them couldn’t even place their own mothers or tell me if Ray is their cousin’s name.

GREGGS: Hell Carv, I’m surprised you could even roll up on them. Must have taken some work considering this place is like, what, 5% black?

DETECTIVE LESTER FREEMAN: 5% outside the sports teams, Detective.

LIEUTENANT CEDRIC DANIELS: But we’re not focused on the teams, detective. We’re focused on the ownership, their cronies in the local and state governments, and how those cronies put these teams right in the middle of a stolen election.

DETECTIVE THOMAS “HERC” HAUK: Actually, that’s three elections, Lieutenant. Back in aught-sixteen, see, the fake dossier was all anyone could talk about and the fake votes fooled Congress into thinking there was less enthusiasm for the America First agenda than actually existed. Then you throw in the Russia Russia Russia thing and my man was robbed of basically an entire term. Same shit as happened in ’20 and ’22.

FREEMAN: We may be going way way back if these CI’s can get us a connect up the ladder. Your man ready to his part, Kima?

GREGGS: Oh he’s ripe; barely needed a push before he stepped. Sean Kugler. I mean, guy’s calling for arbitration related to his November dismissal from the team in Mexico City. He’s thinking, the more shit he can stir up for Bidwill and his crew to deal with, the less energy they’ll have to fight him on his request. Win-win kind of thing.

FREEMAN: Well, the man did coordinate the run game.

HERC: Yeah, for a team that’s 20th in rushing yards.

DANIELS: So what? He can just pick up the phone to anyone at the Cardinals and request a parlay?

We’re only up on the front office phone now — it’s the working number he’s got anymore. Big fella over there has a cell but doesn’t use it much. We’re still trying to map out who over there may help us from the inside. Hold on now. We got his first call coming now.

SEAN KUGLER: Michael. Good Morning. Guess I got your voicemail. Not at your desk huh? Haha….uh….. This is Sean Kugler. I’m trying to get in touch with you about our situation. Plus maybe a boy about a package. Package….you….you know….of votes. Could you — this is my cell. Could you call me?

HERC: Wow. That’s some seriously useful shit. We’re all gonna be out on our asses like those automatic McDonald’s restaurant workers in no time. Until then, you think maybe we could get out and bust some skulls on this election fraud bullshit?

DANIELS: Not yet. The money THEN the legislature. I’m not crossing Burrell, Valcheck, or anyone on this case. We take one wrong step and we’re fucked — and Rawls knows this. Freeman, get some eyes on the people working in these offices around town and see what you can find for a useful CI. This groper doesn’t look like he’s bringing much to the table. Herc and Carver, go find out where Steve Keim is; it’s been two weeks since he took a health-related leave of absence. I’ll send Prez down to the county to review the forms for the $140 million in bond sales for the Cardinals stadium improvements this year. Kima, get downtown and see what’s going on with this Suns situation.

GREGGS: May as well. Doubt anyone down at the County headquarters has even heard of a Mat Ishbia.

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I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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Not that I think benching Carr is such a terrible prospect after all the second half turds he’s laid, but doing so while the team technically isn’t even eliminated from the playoffs yet? That’s very much My Raiders!


“Uh…” – Detroit, Seattle

Game Time Decision

* whistle faintly heard in the distance *


Looks like yet another of Vlad’s former buddies was re-enacting Monty Python’s “Encyclopedia Salesman Sketch” with tragic results…

“A second critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin died Sunday after falling out of a window, the Russian media outlet TASS reported.
According to reports, Pavel Antov fell from a hotel window in Rayagada, India, just days after celebrating his 65th birthday.”


Fuckin’ Herc, man. Perfect.


Phoenix PD-Blue. Where “I groped a gal in Mexico City” is the new, I shot a man in Reno.