Your Scattered Thursday Night Open Thread

Look at them dogs having an exchange of opinion. Does it remind you of anything that might be on later this evening? I don’t plan on watching but morbid curiousity has gotten the best of me before. I’m sure the comment section will be rocking this evening.


The NFL got dinged a heady 4.7 billion in an antitrust lawsuit regarding overcharging for DirectTV fees. The plaintiffs argued that the league is filled with a bunch of conniving money-hungry liars and what do you know, a jury of their non-peers agreed. (perhaps someone can explain what’s going on here down below) Of course the NFL will be appealing.

Close Call:

Free agent Randall Cobb nearly paid the ultimate price of playing for the Jets last year-karma is a thing you know-when his house caught fire. The source of the conflagration was a Tesla charger that burst into flames and eventually engulfed the house. I smell burnt rubber and LAWSUIT! LAWSUIT! LAWSUIT!

Shut Up!:

So we had a contractor in our house this week doing a few things. Why? Because I can barely change a lightbulb, that’s why. He had been there for a few days before I met him yesterday for the first time. So on his way out the door and apropos of nothing he starts going on about Trudeau being fired from his job as a teacher because he was banging an underager but the media won’t talk about it. And Trump was railroaded. I just met him two hours earlier. What the hell happened to trite exchanges about the weather or sports? Fuck sakes.


Panama is beating the US 1-1 as I write this. Later on Uruguay will tackle Bolivia. Maybe there’s more NBA draft to watch, I don’t know.

Take it away, muchachos.

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