Jets! Steel! This Can’t End Well. Your Last Open Thread

It’s been a long day. The Giants lost like a big buncha losers. (typing this at 12:54 EST) Just as an aside, I wish I had the blind, unwarranted  confidence of a Chris Berman-he’s so far past irrelevance and yet he waddles out there every Sunday like he owns the fricking place. Fuck him. Where were we? Oh yeah…

To The Game!


-Fantasy monkeys are all ascared about wr Wilson’s prospects now that Davante is on the field. Yeah, that uber-talented dude now gets covered by the other team’s #1 cb at least 50% less. Boo Hoo.

-Speaking of, there’s talk of how many plays Adams will be involved in but there’s got to be some routes that Mr. Research and his best buddy know by heart. I just hope that Lazard’s heart isn’t broken because Aaron is moving on.

-It’s yet another standalone game for the Jets-I guess the league thinks that polarizing nutbars that do their own homework bump up the viewership. [thinks for a bit] They’re probably not wrong.

-Useful Poll Results: A majority of Jets fans approved of the latest trade. Duh.

-Beware T.J. Watt, especially since Rodgers leg issues have caused him to be sacked 11 times and hit 30 more times in the last three tilts.

-Do you think Wilson is washed? I do. And yet here he is, trying to breathe some life into an Arthur Smith offense that would have been mid-level in the 80’s.

-Seriously, way back in the day Wilson was a great deep-ball tosser and Pitt only has that Pickens dude that can go long. I’m guessing Sauce has that covered as is the way with his people/emulsions.

Take it away brothers and sisters.

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Brick Meathook

This woman was butt nekked and smearing poo on the doors of the apartment building. That was before the SWAT situation.


New York Post columnist is ranting how Woody just needs to sell the team.

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He needs to be traded to the Giants. Keep this thing going!

Brick Meathook

POINT: Svedka vodka, a Polish product with delightful fragrant notes and a very appealing price point, is easily as good as Ketel One, which costs twice as much.

COUNTERPOINT: There is no counterpoint, nerd. This ain’t a fucking debate.


Too much shit going on during a weekend. I didn’t even get a chance to dance joyously when Watson from the Browns got hurt. Were any of the games good?


Lions-Vikings. Kind of.


I slept all the way through Niners-Chefs. Vaccine was rough. What I did see was KC doing it with smoke and mirrors.


Jared Harris hamming it up with an insane American accent is one of the little touches that makes The Man From UNCLE rewatchable.


Armie Hammer did nothing wrong and it would be fun to see him and Cavill fight again, even in some superhero nonsense since we’re not going to get a sequel.

This was also part of Guy Ritchie’s Hugh Grantaissance




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Last edited 4 hours ago by Sharkbait

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Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

I had this game on since the end of the 2nd, with the sound on and off and me paying attention sporadically, and not once when I looked over and watched did I ever see the Jets on offense.


I need you to watch the Steelers more often…

Brick Meathook

I do have a certain psychokinetic power over televised ballgames.

I need to monetize it. Let’s talk.