INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Once again, all the lights are off in the studio, and it's completely silent. The studio lights come on... ...and in the hallway that leads to the studio a series of frantic footsteps can be heard. --- [DOOR FLIES OPEN] --- HUNTER RENFROW: [tossing his bike helmet and backpack
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Request Line: Debuts
Todd’s Surf Journal: Gillis Revisited
Date: Monday 1/6/2025 Location: Dockweiler Beach - Gillis Breakwater Greetings, hodads. As you might have heard I've been away from my beloved Southland for a while. There's been a lot of gossip about my absence and how I went into witness protection, which is so much bullshit. Newsflash to anyone who got
I Watched It So You Don’t Have To: Mahomes Alone
Remembrance of an Incomplete Pass
Request Line: Let Me Sing You the Song of My People…
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Guest producer HUNTER RENFROW is seated in front of the soundboard... ...having a conversation with DJ 3000, who is perched in his regular spot... the two talk about the conclusion of the Pan-African War in the current DJ 3000's original timeline. DJ 3000: ...AND THEN MOZAMBIQUE SIGNED THE
Commitment to Mediocrity: Your 2024 Las Vegas Raiders Season Preview
Request Line: Alternate Versions
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Guest producer HUNTER RENFROW is seated in front of the soundboard, looking very satisfied with himself, having revealed that he knew all along that DJ 3000 was from an alternate timeline. DJ 3000: SO...WHEN DID YOU ACTUALLY FIGURE IT OUT? HUNTER RENFROW: Oh, I've known for months. I
Request Line: Guardians and Gladiators
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Guest producer HUNTER RENFROW is seated in front of the soundboard, looking glum. DJ 3000 looks on with an appearance of concern as HUNTER listlessly toys with a few figurines. DJ 3000: HEY BUDDY, WHAT'S WRONG? STILL FEELING DOWN ABOUT RENFROCO? HUNTER RENFROW: Huh? Oh, no. We're in
Request Line: Treasure
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Guest producer HUNTER RENFROW is seated in front of the soundboard, talking on his cellphone. DJ 3000 looks on with an appearance of concern. HUNTER RENFROW: ...well I wish there's something I could say to talk you out of it, Mr. Christensen, but I certainly understand. Renfroco
Request Line: Twisted Steel (and nothing else)
INT. TEENAGER'S BEDROOM - DAY HUNTER RENFROW is seated in front of his gaming station, playing Grip: Combat Racing. The lights in the room are out and he's wearing headphones - he could not be more fully immersed in the game without being inside his double-sided, powered-up speedster. Suddenly... DISEMBODIED VOICE: HUNTER.... HUNTER RENFROW