Guten Tag, people, and Happy St. Patrick's Day. This post has nothing to do with Ireland or the Irish. I've been busy today trying to plan a trip to Puerto Rico, while knowing nothing about the island other than it's in the middle of the Atlantic, is home to DFO's
Tag: Horatio Cornblower Wastes Your Employer’s Time
Monday Morning Mock Draft: What The F*ck Is That Thing!?!?
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Looks Like I Won’t Be The Only Thing Not Aging Well This Week!
Monday Morning Mock Drafts: One Hit Wonders
No, we're not doing musical one-hit numbers. That's Request Line territory, and has probably already done. Nope, today you're drafting athletic one-hit wonders. Guys, or gals, who had that one (or no more than a couple) of really good seasons before fading into, as Mike Tyson would say, Bolivia. The reason