Sunday Morning Appetizers

Good Morning everyone. Week Two of the NFL season is here.

First up, is Carl’s Stone Cold Lock of the Century of the Week where Carl gives his prediction regarding his beloved Giants against the Falcons. He also expresses solidarity with JPP.

Carl’s Pick, Giants-Falcons

Carl is 0-1 this season after the Bills thrashed the Colts.

Also here is the most recent revision to the broadcast maps.

Week Two, Broadcast Maps



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I have to finish moving and cleaning but all I wanna do is drink.

Old School Zero

ha ha loooser


How does Stephen A$$hole Smith get and keep a job?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That whole bunch are worthless bags of monkey excretion.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sorry *worthle$$


Hes black

Horatio Cornblower

I was up until roughly 2 AM watching Alabama-Ole Miss. I do not like either team.

Your move NFL.


Andrew Siciliano and Red Zone, here I come! (PHRASING! )

Lothar of the Hill People

So the entire country is subjected to Dallas-Philly as the Fox late game.

And I get my choice of Titans-Browns or 49ers-Steelers.

I might actually pay attention to my family, instead.

At least it’ll be a gorgeous day here, so I can enjoy the imbalance outside.

King Hippo

9-4 is bad the fuck enough. 8-5 should be mandatory on these nice, full slates. Should have added that to Uncle Joe’s manifesto.

Optimizing my RedZone experience is the most important issue facing the nation – nay, the WORLD – today.

I am hoping this will be addressed during the Demmycratic debates. Biden seems like the kinda guy who would get it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wait, wait, just calm the fuck down and don’t do anything crazy like family or outside.


Your family said they’d just as soon you watch football.

John Difool

“permanent devil horns on his right hand”