DFO Radio: I’m Gonna Crawl

Greetings!  I hope you made it through the first weekend of March Madness with your sanity (and by some divine Providence your final four bracket) intact.  I’ve been fielding a visit from my brother-in-law and his family and keeping everyone entertained has robbed me of significant sleep, so while this week’s playlist was originally intended for hangover relief, I’ll probably be using it to tuck myself in for a nap later on during the day.  Aside from NCAA tournament, a major news event that actually has some relationship to our little corner of the internet here occurred on Friday as a jury ruled against Gawker Media and handed over a $115 million verdict to Terry Bollea, aka Hulk Hogan.  This is relevant to Door Flies Open (and of course most of you already know this) in that we were originally founded by a set of commenters from Kissing Suzy Kolber.  KSK was originally founded by a set of commenters from Deadspin.  Deadspin is owned by Gawker Media.  So Hulk Hogan suing the pants off Gawker is kind of like having someone sue the pants off your great-great-grandfather, except he was kind of a dick, and you don’t really care that you’ll never inherit those pants because you really do not care for wearing pants in the first place.

To reiterate from last week’s Request Line: if you’re in the Los Angeles area, please feel invited to join us in Atwater Village for our first-ever Pub Crawl.  Enjoy the tunes, and have a great week!

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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Sill Bimmons

To see it all laid out end-to-end like this…you feel a genuine sadness for Browns fans.

This…this is madness:


Sill Bimmons
King Hippo


Sill Bimmons

Irish Person #1: Americans have a drink insultingly called an “Irish Car Bomb.” How can we insult them back?

Irish Person #2: How about an “American School Shooting?” That’s when you take 20 shots of 151 and when you pass out and die of alcohol poisoning everyone just stands around saying “There was nothing that could have been done!”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So according to the updates, what are the available choices for say… yardwork ‘n’ such?


Covalent Blonde

Good call. Easter will be invigorating this year!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wouldn’t let me search for “beaver hammock” at work….. for some odd reason.


I’ll have a carnation on my lapel.

And don’t tell anyone but I think I’ve got everyone’s favorite blonde convinced to attend too.

Covalent Blonde

So I heard a rumor that some sexy, smart, witty sons of bitches are getting together to drink and maybe bring me out of my Chip Kelly-induced football depression? Count my easily schnockered ass in!


Where have you been? !? Glad to see you’re coming!


Covalent Blonde

comment image


What would happen if everyone in America drove a pink car?
We’d have a pink carnation!

Worst dad joke of all time.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Is that Raider Nation during October?


Or BEST dad joke ever?


I did not watch basketball this weekend. I stood outside to watch my kid play lacrosse.

And the weather was raw, damp, windy, sunless, rainy, and then snowy.

It sucked balls.

King Hippo

That’s what you get for spending time with your family ,, smgdh.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You made the right choice, both for your mental well being and your TV’s well being.


I did the same on Saturday, only the weather was glorious, because I had the foresight to be born in California.


I’ve got an Irish friend that will show up to the crawl and most likely do an Irish goodbye.

King Hippo

But you don’t gets to say “It’s a pajama-jammy-jam!!!”

Covalent Blonde

Who the fuck says you don’t?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just said it.

Fuck da pole-eece.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Which Irish goodbye? The one where somebody gets pregnant or the one where a car blows up?


Or the one with barf everywhere and bleeding cousins and uncles?

Covalent Blonde

I thought that one was called Sunday mass?