Your “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” Thursday Open Thread

Oh yeah – it’s time to dust off that dictionary and linguistics degree…

…it’s Spelling Bee season again!

It’s been going on all day. The finals are tonight on ESPN, because TNT must be covering the final nail in the Warriors coffin. Much like the Westminster Kennel Club show does, it should actually draw better ratings.

if not haughtier bitches.

For all you stats folks, here’s your data fix:

Number of Spellers: 285

144 boys (50.5%) 141 girls (49.5%)

Age Range

1 six-year-old (0.4%) 30 eleven-year-olds (10.5%)
0 seven-year-olds (0.0%) 51 twelve-year-olds (17.9%)
2 eight-year-olds (0.7%) 113 thirteen-year-olds (39.6%)
1 nine-year-old (0.4%) 71 fourteen-year-olds (24.9%)
14 ten-year-olds (4.9%) 2 fifteen-year-olds (0.7%)
This year’s age statistics are typical of previous years’ age statistics. source


Here’s the six-year-old; he’s already been on TV with Steve Harvey:

And here’s your word:

Keep in mind that, while fame & fortune do not follow each of these kids much beyond this evening, they do go on to some pretty interesting, mostly academic careers. Business Insider (apparently your key spelling bee source) had a good write-up on past winners in May 2015. Have a gander at the successes some of them became. and maybe let’s all chip in to get WCS some dictionaries & thesauri.

But some moments – as in all competitions – are destined to live on forever. Cracked had a pretty good article on this topic in 2015, outlining some of the more bizzare things that happen – including protests – during the two days of the spelling bee. Business Insider has a 2015 story about the racism that follows the tournament because the majority of recent winners have been Indian-American.

But who cares about serious matters. Remember this kid?

And just a general all-around playa.

His name is Akshay Buddiga. This happened to him in 2004, but gets shown at least once per year on things like a SportsCentre Top-10 list of “fails” or “unexpected falls” or some such theme. He actually came second. Well, 12 years on, he’s graduated from Stanford with a Masters in Engineering. His brother, Pratyush, a former champion, is a professional poker player.

“That’s right Akshay, only winners meet winners.”

And don’t forget “the Screamer”: (or “the Spaz”, as some sites called her)

Her name is actually Rebecca Sealfon. She went on to get a Masters in Computer Science at Columbia, and she’s now a software engineer. She’s also 30 now, so it wasn’t at all creepy trying to find out anything about her, unlike those prudes at “Project Runway Junior”. There is also a conspiracy theory & reddit dedicated to proving she didn’t spell the word “exactly”, because her euphoria added some syllables to her pronunciation. Aaaaaaaaaaand that’s why she stays off the internet and hasn’t done an interview since 2005.

Oh sure, there are other, possibly more important sporting contests this evening, but Super Bowls of other sports only come around but once per year. Drink it in, my pretties.

Tonight’s tense elimination matches!

NHL: GAME 7 – Tampa @ Pittsburgh – 8:00

  • late update: The Bolts may have Stamkos back

NBA: Game 5 – OKC @ Golden State – 9:00

Scripps National Spelling Bee: Finals – 8:00 (ESPN)

Tonight’s Open Thread will be dedicated to following the madness, especially if the hockey & hoops become laughers. (Pour another one out for KSK – here’s 2015’s liveblog if you desire a trip down mammary memory lane.) Last year’s Bee ended in a tie, when they ran out of “championship-round” words. They’ve changed the rules for this year, so that shouldn’t happen. But there is no rest in competitive spelling! More importantly, every time a little kid gets a word wrong,



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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I know I posted this one a bunch of times. In college I lived a place with his iconic middle finger pic in my living room. Like a fullsize wall covering version of it. This is still my fav Johnny Cash song

Johnny Cash – Solitary Man

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I broke my rule of not driving drunk to go get cigs. It was 90% empty street. I still feel bad

Yello – Oh Yeah

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will go to bed eventually. More Hall and Oates now

Hall and Oates – She’s gone

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I lied when I said I was leaving. I scrolled down. Someone loves Hall and Oates so you all are getting some

Hall and Oates – Private Eyes


Jack Johnson – It’s All Understood

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I think this is my last random song tonight. Feel free to harass me about this one in the future. I love No Doubt

No Doubt – Don’t Speak


Fiona Apple – Sleep To Dream

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Natalie Imbruglia – Torn


Kylie Minogue – Can’t Get You Out Of My Head


For Your Love – Yardbirds

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Weezer – Say it aint so

You are just getting my random playlist in full tonight

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
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