When I saw Complete Control’s design during the first episode of Battlebots last week, I thought “things have to come together PERFECTLY” for that stupid robot design to work.  Spoiler alert: things come together perfectly.

Battlebots is on ABC at 8 p.m. (EST and PST) tonight.



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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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I am 100% confident that the trump card to preventing AI from secretly infiltrating our society (posed as humans) is the complexity of the english language. Our ears are so adept at knowing when something “just doesn’t sound right” that I don’t think you’d ever be able to have a robot fool someone in person.

Well, at least until the next generation moved to communicate only through text/email/emoji. Then it’s all over.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Have you been in the rural south?


Only as a juror for the Irma Lurman Merman murder.

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E-4!! 2-0 Coastal!


I know, I know. Just killing time before the football. I’ll stop.


Not for nothing, but this CWS final game is fucking great. 0-0 top 6. Coastal Carolina about to break through. 2nd & 3rd, 1 out. ESPN 3.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Never mind.

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Can’t believe we have no fans of the six dildoed dildobot. Balls?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Moving some air later, I see.


The Johnny Manziel version of Mardi Gras.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

He’s setting himself up for failure with the 4th of Ju-Luau right around the corner.

That poor pig…


The pig he’s eating or the one he’ll probably fuck? Or both?


Go the full David Cameron and fuck a pig while eating one.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is Falwellian.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I hope he makes it too. Unfortunately I don’t think he has hit bottom yet; I hope he lives through it. He’s not as fun as he was before since at some point it becomes assholish to make fun of an addict (right after they unquestionably confirm they are an addict).

We can make an exception for gambling addicts?


Literally, he cannot stay on one course long enough for me to type another Serial. It would be outdated the moment I post it.


1. Holy fucking shit what did I just watch?
2. I am going to watch the fuck out of this show now.
3. This was the lift I needed, had to say goodbye to my best dog yesterday. Not a happy day.


Thanks, she was the best dog I ever owned. Was around for all three of my kids, my wife’s first dog, and an absolute best friend. Missing the hell out of her.


Thanks, that means a lot – Labs seem to radiate love and doofiness at the same time.

I fielded a lot of “Is she going to heaven?” questions yesterday. I did confirm that dogs go to heaven and cats go to hell.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

When I was a kid my first dog got ran over, so my parts just skipped the delusion.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sorry about your pooch. Mine is getting arthritis which is a bad sign.


Sorry to hear, Fozz. What was [somewhat] comforting when I lost my first (as an adult) dog in January was looking back and knowing that he had a good life because of me.

Also, knowing that I now had nothing left to lose if any of my enemies crossed my path over the next few weeks (you have kids though so, YMMV). Oh shucks — now this room is getting all dusty…..

Senor Weaselo

I still think Bombshell went with the wrong weapon.
/Does this mean no fight by fight recap in the open thread tonight?

Teddy's Bridge Over Troubled Water


-Johnny Manziel’s phone

HOLY SHIT! Looks like he did!


4 games? He didn’t even knock out his fiance in an elevator that was caught on tape that the commissioner saw!

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

It’s all setup to record, but I probably won’t get to watch it before I get back from San Jose next week. Although, drunkenly watching robots maime each other for our amusement with my friends seems like a pretty ‘Murican way to spend part of the 4th…

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Jesus, I can barely put my kid’s Hot Wheels track together…


I’m expecting Harrison Ford to run in there and out Col. Cortez as a turncoat.

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I saw the tail end of last week’s episode where the one robot that spits out fire pretty much demolished the opponent robot. I don’t remember the names, but that was pretty cool.


What’s the BB equivalent of Rocky and Apollo racing to get up in Rocky II?


“Someone contact these nerds. I could take out so many weddings in Syria with this technology.” -Hillary Clinton

(It’s just a joke, folks…..unlike BENGHAZI)


Every day is Benghazi Day in West Baltimore, but without the dead ambassadors.