Your “I Still Refuse to Spend a Dime” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Last week, the Browns showed incredible heart by battling back from a 24-13 deficit in the fourth quarter to tie the game and put themselves in position to win outright, only for their brand-new kicker Cody Parkey to miss 46-yard field goal attempt (his third miss of the day) as time expired.  The Browns, of course, being the Browns, lost in overtime.  As has been reported several places, the Browns elected to sign Cody Parkey over recently cut Bears veteran kicker Robbie Gould because the latter was simply too expensive.  This from a team with the lowest payroll in the entire NFL.  Brown on, you crazy chocolate diamonds!

And now onto Pete Carroll’s conspiracy hour.  This week: Donald Trump’s microphone!  This one has been bugging me all day, and since I assume you’re all drunk by now and won’t remember this in the morning, I thought I’d share my thoughts.  Here’s the basic sequence of events:

  1. Trump gets slaughtered in the debate.
  2. The following morning (after learning that, freeped online polls notwithstanding, he lost the debate) he declares there were issues with his microphone.
  3. Five days later, the debate commission “agrees”, cryptically stating “there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall.”

There’s nothing so much fun as replacing one conspiracy theory with another, so here’s my take on the subject.

  1. The signal from his microphone is going to be headed into a mixing board.  So if there was something wrong with the actual physical microphone, the issue would have shown up everywhere (auditorium feed, monitor feed, and most importantly, the television broadcast feed).
  2. If there were problems with the feed from the mixing board to the auditorium speakers, or a problem with the speakers themselves, it would have affected BOTH of the candidates.  But for argument’s sake, let’s say that it *did* affect only Trump.  Why didn’t anyone who was in attendance say anything during or immediately after the debate?  Why was Trump the only one who noticed the phenomenon – and more importantly, HOW would he have noticed this phenomenon if he wasn’t in the audience himself?
  3. If there were problems with the on-stage monitors (those speakers on stage directed at the performers so they can hear themselves), again it makes little sense that the issue wouldn’t have affected both candidates equally.  But again, for the sake of argument, let’s say that it only affected Trump.  Then he would have been the only one able to hear it.  And so how is it possible for the presidential debate commission to confirm there was an issue?

I think, using the expression “Trump’s Razor” as coined by Josh Marshall at, that the stupidest explanation is probably the correct one.  In this case, I think Trump told the presidential debate commission that unless they admitted there was something wrong with his microphone, he would boycott the next debate.  And since it would look very, very bad for them if he did (regardless of his reasons), they agreed.

So what’s going on tonight?  College football?  Binge-watching Luke Cage?  Stay safe out there, and make sure you get a good night’s sleep – football starts early tomorrow!


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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Why don’t I like Clemson?

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Lothar of the Hill People

Is it me, or are college cheerleader outfits getting skimpier and skimpier?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Please provide examples to advance this discussion.


Only the fine ladies of USC are holding the line against the receding cheerleader outfit.


There’s something about those sweaters…


The kicker thing is so fucking epic Browns being the Browns. They actually signed the guy without even seeing him kick a football once.


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They still sing some America song during the 7th inning stretch? At every game?

Bloody Lethal

Not a great start to the over 64 for LOOVILLE.

Lothar of the Hill People

Oh, for fuck’s sake. My TV games tomorrow are Seahawks-Jets and Browns-Redacteds. Not that there are a lot of good choices, but what a fucking shit sandwich.

Shogun Marcus

Aside from the morning clotsjag, I get loinbears and buffpats, followed by 49boys. Bye weeks…

King Hippo

don’t forget Humps/Jaguras!!!


Detectorists season 2 is on Netflix! That’s what I’ll be watching with football in the background the rest of the day today and tomorrow.


A female friend of mine keeps recommending that show to me. Is it a comedy?

Lothar of the Hill People


Wife’s in bed, kids are in bed, and I’m recovering from watching The Iron Giant 3 nights in a row (Thursday night was the first time I’d ever seen it, and my kids both love love love it now).

Is ti too much to ask to have some good football so my nards grow back? Everytime the Iron Giant says ‘I Superman’ I fucking lose it.

King Hippo

It is NAWT, but given what happened in TN/GA, the good footbaw quotient prolly done used up

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

“Last year’s worst job, crack whore, has lost its spot. The new worst job is… assistant crack whore”

King Hippo

I think if my grandfather were alive today, the frequency of interracial couples in teevee ads would kill him instantly.


What is that top made out of, Wolverine’s bones?

King Hippo

I bet it has to be washed on uber-delicate fo sho


Is that the Juggernaut?

Lothar of the Hill People

I always wondered what happened to Avril Lavigne

Sill Bimmons

The High Priest Of Bothsiderism speaks!

‘There is no uplift in this race. There is an entire absence, in both campaigns, of any effort to appeal to the higher angels of our nature. There is an assumption, in both campaigns, that we are self-seeking creatures, rather than also loving, serving, hoping, dreaming, cooperating creatures. There is a presumption in both candidates that the lowest motivations are the most real.’

And Mr. Brooks can disappear up his own ass in cloud of pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-metaphysical argle-bargle:

‘At some point there will have to be a new vocabulary and a restored anthropology, emphasizing love, friendship, faithfulness, solidarity and neighborliness that pushes people toward connection rather than distrust.’

There is no more glib and successful fraud working the high end of the wingnut welfare scam that Mr. David Brooks of the New York Times.

King Hippo

he was doing it in PBS’ debate post-game aussi

King Hippo

call stands, now 52-46 Okies after the kick


Another game full of that famous Big 12 defense, huh?


Also Gus Johnson, why was I not informed of this earlier?

King Hippo

was a 25-point game for awhile, I lost track of it

Spanky Datass

Gus Johnson and Joel Klatt should be the crew on EVERY MINOR LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME!!!!11!!!

King Hippo

replay review to see if Boomer Sooner gets to run the clock out (think incomplete will stand and FG time, TCU gets ball back with 1:50 and 1 timeout).

Sill Bimmons

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King Hippo

oh snap, Bloodeyes back within 3??

Sill Bimmons
King Hippo

how much did the bottlers of Cheerwine pay to get the JV NFL Cards to wear these unis??


Lifetime supply to the equipment manager

Sill Bimmons
King Hippo

Petrino’s all casual, ’cause he knows they is no titty bars within range of 2am of that cow town. SMART FUCKIN’ GUY. That’s why I got ‘Ville tonight.


You’re just calling it a cow town because it was FOUNDED by a cow.

King Hippo

OK, Lamar! Time to do a thing and clinch your ACC title. FSU ain’t beating Clemson (shit, they might not even beat my shitty wolven sort), so you will get no second bite of the apple.

King Hippo

What will Nick Saban sacrifice in front of his players at the half? (3-3 at home vs. KY in Q2)



An Alabama virgin?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

A what?

You can’t do that to a 10 year old!

Shogun Marcus

Poor fencepost.


Even money’s on Lane Kiffen.

Sill Bimmons

Bath v. Gloucester in proper rugby on NBCSN.


JJ Fozz: The Early Years

Sill Bimmons

Mere Beerble compared to the Bourble that was to follow…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

When I first saw it I thought it was pretty cool, now the more people hate it the more I like it.–heres-why.jpg

DIA horse statue.


That is one big ass John Elway statue.

King Hippo

they wanted to make sure they could get the teeth right

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It has SJP’s eyes.

King Hippo

Next time I’m in a Pilot, I’m pissing on the floor!!


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King Hippo

Smithers can watch, but he has to pay in advance. CASH.

Sill Bimmons

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I’ll be back in an hour when you aren’t posting stupid conspiracy shit.

King Hippo

that’s bullshit, I bought Hitler’s brain off e-bay 7 years ago. Keep it in pickle juice, sure ’nuff.


That’s not what it was packed in when I sold it…the liquid rhymes with burine…

King Hippo

yeah, but KOSHER pickle FOAR eternity? I mean LOLZ amirite??


/tips pickelhaube


The Browns aren’t cursed. The team is just owned by an evil man. Fucking Hell. Why the people of Cleveland haven’t burned him to ash is beyond me.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van
Don T

Trump: humored and indulged to the top. Kinda sad the Internet has Hitler fatigue.


I’m so tired of all the stupid.

Facebook is losing its mind over Trump pulling in a receptive crowd in Novi, MI, with way too many people I know proclaiming it’s proof he’s winning the blue states. Novi is 75% white and one of the wealthiest areas of the state. You go 5 miles out of the city and you’d be hard pressed to find 1 in 10 who’ll vote Trump. It’s like saying Hillary’s winning the Bible Belt every time she gets cheers in a black church in the south.

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