2016 Quotables – Pro Bowl Weekend (Results)


I, uhhhh, here’s the latest Quotables results. Sorry for the lack of energy here — I went to the Oregon State game at Gill Coliseum last night and, OSU’s tantric game pace plus the residual excitement of the ~1,200 strong in attendance at the game, had me leaving there ready to drink. So we went to Flat Tail Brewing and then I think I drank too much (honorable hangover mention to traveling and not drinking water).

Well hey, you’re thinking, look at blax being all Beer Barrel contributing or whatever! No no, not at all. Just trying to fit in around here, to be honest.

Anyways, looks like there’s some quality pre-The Big Game #content on [DFO] so I won’t even bother with my two cents. Well, a tie and meteor — there you go. Now you can get back to watching bowling game massacres or whatever.

OBJ continues to make Quotables.
“Oh, sure, he’ll dance with giant pear-shaped creatures at the Pro Bowl…’ – Lena Dunham” -Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

I understand this is called a Salt Bae.
“Travis Kelce, seen doing his best impersonation of an Alex Smith forward pass.” -Low Commander Of The Super Soldiers

Now then, who want to party with Michael Bennett?
“Live look in at full contact blocking in the Pro Bowl” -BrettFavresColonoscopy

“Every one of those young ladies is used to groups of teenage boys shooting off around them, alledgedly.” -LemonJello

NHL also had their All-Star Weekend, complete with skills challenges.
“This is by far the most hockey I’ve ever watched when I wasn’t alone at a bar trying to pretend like I had a reason to be there.” -JerBear50

I don't know if we know how to do stuff with basketball or not.
“Any of these guys have a shot at playing in the NFL?” -LemonJello

This was about the best WBB highlight I could come up with.
“UNC demonstrates their diversity with bookends.” -Sunrisesunrise

Not to be too west coast biased but here's the Cal WBB team with a post-practice dance session.
“The student manager may be having a seizure. I can’t really tell.” -Sunrisesunrise


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I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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I beg of you, no gifs of Joe Buck next week.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fundamental attribution error. This is the tendency to attribute situational behavior to a person’s fixed personality.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’m hoping next week has some Atlanta gifage similar to this:

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And you’ve gotta wonder if the person that signs off on trophy designs really thinks it through sometimes.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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The Maestro

You’re welcome for Drukpa Kunley tipping you off to this wonderful image 😉


I’m not around as often as I’d like but I’m glad to contribute what I can.