Request Line: Stop Talking


A young man sits inside the studio.  The PRODUCER sits outside, looking vexed.

PRODUCER: I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish here.


PRODUCER: I get it.  I really do.  You’re making a commentary on how the NFL created a new policy that is deliberately intended to silence players from speaking out against police brutality in minority communities.

ERIC REID: [raises eyebrows]

PRODUCER: But you have to understand that nobody can see you right now.  This isn’t Mike and Mike – oh, right, it’s Golic and Wingo now – heh heh, doesn’t that sound like a good name for a joint that does garlic wings? – we don’t have a camera pointed inside the studio for no discernible reason.

ERIC REID: [blinks furiously]

PRODUCER: Unless…that was the whole point, that the NFL’s new rules make it possible to protest, but only in a place where no one can see you doing it!

ERIC REID: [exasperated nod]

PRODUCER: Oh, oh, oh.  Okay.  I guess that makes sense.  It’s a little abstract, especially for our listeners.  You realize half the folks listening are carryovers from the Jimmy and the Animal morning block.

ERIC REID: [shrugs]

PRODUCER: That’s true, the Jim Schwartz isn’t going to stop running the wide nine defense, just because those mouth-breathing troglodytes in Philadelphia don’t understand it. Fair point.

ERIC REID: [looks at watch]

PRODUCER: You’re right, we’d better get this show on the road.  What’s our theme for today?

ERIC REID: [points to mouth]

PRODUCER: Lips?  Like, as in, kissing?  I guess….

ERIC REID: [shakes head, points to ears and makes a tiny “X” with his index fingers]

PRODUCER: Sounds like…X…Eckstein?  Things that are gritty?

ERIC REID: [rips off tape] Silence, you jackass! The theme is being told to stay quiet! I swear to God the hardest part about these protests is getting you fat-headed morons to understand what the hell they’re even about.

Editor’s Note: Today’s theme is “silence” – songs about keeping quiet, listening, etc.  In order to have videos appear in comments, you don’t have to mess around with embed codes or anything, just post plain links as such: “”.  When you hit refresh it should show up as embedded and you can rock out at your leisure. If your link doesn’t pick up, an admin will try to help out.


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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Oh I really hope this one sneaks in.


I realize someone might have beaten me to this one earlier. But I don’t remember seeing it when I scrolled back and I don’t plan on looking again….so apologies to whomever’s toes I’m stepping on here.

yeah right

And wrongest right in the house too.


I’m really hating myself right now for forgetting that one.
Nice late round pick up 🙂

yeah right
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Shouldn’t all these be instrumentals?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That was already posted.


Oh well.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It was a good joke and you fucking know it.


Ok, gotta go do some actual work, so I’m gonna leave this turd here before someone else does. Please give all the minus-ones you can afford.