2019 Quotables – Week 2 (Results)

Alright! Week 2! Looks like we’re all getting the rust knocked off and….you know, I’m not even going to worry about word count here. What’s Hippo gonna do, get rid of me? I’m like the best young player on the NFL/Dick Joke blogging equivalent of the Miami Dolphins. Can’t get rid of me. No sir.

So here are your Week 2 Quotables results. Submissions here.

“Gentlemen, please, it’s not nice to stare at the lardasses.” -Enrico Pallazzo

“Either one of you boys got soft hands and a visa problem?” -BrettFavresColonoscopy

“Kalen – ‘I saved a fumble!’ Fitz – ‘But you didn’t catch the ball!’ Kalen – ‘Exactly’” -ArmedandHammered

“Ric Ocasek wasn’t the only Car to die this weekend.” -nomonkeyfun

“Where are my leftover kidney stone pillz??” -King Hippo

“’What are we doing? The ‘Genie in a Bottle’ celebration? YMCA? Help us out here, so we can join in!’” -LemonJello

“Although accounts of it have been lost to history, Garrett was also responsible for the death of the lesser-known ‘Trevor the Kid’.” – Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

“Bills Mafia drools and ready’s tables for destruction.” -Game Time Decision
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I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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Porky Prime

Belichick be like fuck that shit. Who had one game?

Porky Prime

To be fair, I thought he’d make it to the bye week.


I thought the Raiders would find a way to block him before a snap… I only feel sorry for those deluded people that actually bought his jersey XD

Porky Prime

So does anybody look good in all of this? Pittsburgh got the picks from the Raiders, but they proved that Brown and Bell weren’t so easily replaceable either because even before BEN went down they kinda sucked.



Well, depending on the contract wording, the only people getting off clean will be our legal team, because it just may be that we’re on the hook only for 150k, with the rest now void thanks to AB once again opening his mouth (or … well… chat app… same diff)

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is just great work, people.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Joe Biden’s foot fetish turns deadly….

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Ric Ocasek wasn’t the only Car to die this weekend.”


That is shifting into turbo mode!

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Yeah, that was my favorite too (once I figured it out).