BC Dick Tuesday

Welcome to the BC Dick Curling Hour! (or hours. Got some slow readers in this group)

We find our heroes, the local novice curling team, in a precarious position this week.

Holding our 6-2 record high but mired deep in the bog of a two-game losing streak, we entered the club under the pressure of a thousand oceans. We were hanging by threadbare fingers to our chances of finishing in the top four and thereby gaining a coveted opportunity to hoist the $30 gift card as repeat champions.

We had warmed up at my local pub this Friday rather than at the curling club. $4 for a sleeve* really gets the blood flowing to those ever-important curling muscles, the boozeceps.

*American “pint” so only 16 ounces of sweet, gold nectar. Still a good deal.

On our arrival to the sheets of curling ice we sensed a less-than-full house for the night’s matches. Indeed, there were at least four teams absent. We watched as two sets of opponent-less teams paired off for games and we waited as no foursome arrived to take on our mighty warhorse of rock-tossing fury.

Something about a virus and being a bunch of wimps, I think it was.

We had all but packed it in for the night, opting for some more beer and an early bedtime but at the last second another orphaned outfit appeared from out of the mist and we had ourselves a game! In the interest of expediency we agreed on a four-ender rather than the usual six.

We won the toss and I annoyed my teammates by shouting out our preference for the yellow rocks rather than the hammer. We had agreed beforehand to take the hammer.

After trading singles for the first three ends we had a 2-1 lead going into the fourth but they had last rock. Apparently we should have taken the hammer but sometimes you just have to play that wild card.

Charlie Day Wildcard GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Find & Share on GIPHY

And it worked like a charm. A steal of 3 in the fourth gave us a 5-1 win. Or so we thought. Having sped through the four ends at top pace it was decided that the game would be extended to the usual six ends. Our night was not yet over despite the seemingly insurmountable lead.

They came back with the hammer in the fifth end and hung a pair on us to bring the score within two for the last end. Even so, we were coming back with the hammer and could even afford to give up a steal of one. I advocated for playing it as clean as we could and taking out as many rocks as possible. The idea being to prevent them from burying rocks behind their rocks or ours which leads to more steal opportunities. The skip has a tendency to prefer a lot of draws and ignored my sage advice.

They ended up sitting one behind a line of four rocks, three of them our very own sweet yellow stones turned and used agin’ us. We had another rock out wide on the edge of the eight-foot and they used their last shot to try a hit and roll behind the wall of guards. This was just what I was worried would happen and I let my skip and third know the folly of their strategy in no uncertain terms.

By the grace of Candy they missed wide and spun off our rock, taking it out in the process. We used the resulting space to draw for one more and the 6-3 win.

“You’re welcome”

Now as thrilling as this victory was it rang a bit hollow. Mostly due to its hollowness. Because you see, my friends, this game mattered not to our standings in the league. It mattered to us only for pride and craven gluttony for domination over our fellow novice curlers. For our victory had come long ago when our opponents failed to take the ice for the challenge that awaited them.

You are correct, good sires and dames. We had already won and by the two sweetest words in the English language: De Fault.

Homer Simpson Wtf GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We finished up the regular season with a very solid 7-2 record, surely enough to at least be considered for the final four showdown.

Unfortunately, the world has given in to chicken littleism. I should have known, what with the doomsday clocks and shrieks of “ten years left” and so forth. We were already here, we just needed a little shove. The curling league has ended one week shy of playoffs. Much like any woman waking up next to me, our team has been left feeling listless and unfulfilled. We had so much more to accomplish.

Not only that, this month’s Women’s World Curling Championships have been nixed as well. What other horrors can you visit upon me, oh great destroyer of civilizations (of seniors)! Won’t you spare me just one child! One loaf of bread! One roll! Just one square!

Damn you! Damn you to hell, vile demon!

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BC Dick
An aspiring nihilist who lives in British Columbia and feels nothing while watching the Seahawks, Blue Jays, Lions, Canucks, and several local minor league teams.
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King Hippo

Allow me to say something, maybe for the first time, nice about Herr Fuhrer.

At least he’s not Boris Johnson.

Senor Weaselo

Fuck him for his decree on theatres, performances, restaurants and the like.

For those who don’t know: He didn’t announce a closure, but “just don’t go.” Meaning if a theatre closes it chooses to do so and doesn’t get recouped money to pay the people it normally would.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

They are cut from the same manure pile.

King Hippo

This seems like it could be my last bet for like 6 months and oh my cats it is like a relative is dying before my eyes.

Game Time Decision

Had to renew my license today. So went to the DMV to get a picture taken. Been nice knowing y’all

King Hippo

Bet the line was no problem, though? Or did they make you wait out of principle?

Game Time Decision

Line wasn’t too bad but had to wait in the hall

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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What did he eat?

Game Time Decision

One of twbs’ peppers

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Hello. I bet on Division 4 futbol in Sweden today (won). A mental health professional would say I need a sports break.

King Hippo

I have not gone there yet. But my two lower division Argie matches got cancelled today, I just have my one lousy Serie B (Chile) bet still going.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Meh, I enjoyed the fact that is a dog biscuit on her leg. I prefer to be called eccentric instead of deviant, but whatevs, this is mild.

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“Where’s the peanut butter?”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

We are not here to judge your kink, but this one would seem to eliminate repeat prospects.

Senor Weaselo


King Hippo

Hold mah beer!! – G-d

/I assume he would have a Southern accent obvs


Also, with Lisa Weagle leaving Rachel Homan’s rink, Team Hottie is seriously diminished.

Brick Meathook

Kiss of Death! Helping the handicapped since 1947.

Horatio Cornblower

First they came for the NCAAs, and I said nothing, because let’s face it, UConn wasn’t going to be playing in it
Then they came for the NBA, and I said nothing, because I don’t give a shit about the NBA
Then they came for the NHL, and I laughed, because fuck Gary Bettman and his rancid ilk for a thousand eras
Then they came for the MLB, and I was like ‘eh, all the Yankees would probably be dead by 5/1 if they tried to play’
But then they came for BC Dick’s curling league and I picked up a gun and yelled ‘this will not stand’, then ran for the door, tripped over the cat and shot myself in the foot, so I guess it will stand. Unlike me.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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King Hippo

Both the South American Euros AND the European Euros moving back a year.

King Hippo

At this point, I am just hoping and praying that the NFL season starts somewhere close to on time.

I’m betting that is the first sportsball we get back on teevee.


Technically, the XFL has been allowed to continue, because nobody was going to the games anyway. Or so I assume.
