The ideas that pop into my head to fill these pages are usually quite random. During the week it’s pretty straightforward – read the sports pages; distill down what I think the Commentariat might like; publish – but the weekend is supposed to feel different, especially in the offseason. And that’s where the struggle to come up with topics & discussion comes from.

Plus, it doesn’t help that we are in the midst of an apocalypse, all of our own making. There are no movies to go see. Hell – at this point I might actually pay to watch “The King of Staten Island”, just because it’s new content.

It honestly looks kind of good – or have I been cooped up for too long?

So, as we lurch forward to what BC calls “Phase Three of the Provincial Restart”, if transmission rates remain low or in decline, people can begin travelling throughout B.C.. Which is good, because there are some breweries I have to go support.

Gotta support those small businesses.

Tonight’s … entertainment?:

You know what? There’s nothing I can recommend. Besides, I think we’ve proven quite capable of entertaining ourselves.

But, for those of you who love/hate Twitter, here you go,

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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