Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Rupert Holmes Special

Rupert Holmes? Isn’t he the guy who sang the pina colada song? Yes, yes he is. Also, you’re welcome for getting that song stuck in all of your heads.

What does a song from 1979 have to do with this week? No, I’m not making a pina colada (yet). This week, I’m making another tropical/summer drink called The Escape, from the New York Cocktails book. Before we get into the recipe, can I go on a tangent for a second here? As catchy as hell as that song is, both people are terrible right? They are cheating, on each other, with each other. Then at the end, they laugh it off like “hey, I didn’t know you liked all this stuff.” Sure, it may have been funny in the moment, but that must have been an awkward next morning, that’s for sure.

Terrible people in 1970s songs aside, here is The Escape:

2 oz. El Dorado dark rum

1 oz. Pineapple juice

1 oz. Coco Lopez

3/4 oz. Sweet vermouth

Shake all ingredients except vermouth vigorously with ice. Note: The bar has no blender, but go ahead and blend if you have one

Strain into the glass if shaken. Pour the whole lot in if blended. Float the vermouth and garnish with a pineapple and cherry flag.

As noted in the recipe, this drink can either be shaken or blended. I opted for shaking, as A) baby shark was sleeping, and B) blenders are a pain in the ass to clean, and I’m not making that kind of a mess for one cocktail*. I also subbed Goslings for the El Dorado.

The coconut is the first flavor I get, but it’s quickly undercut by the pineapple juice and the rum. The combination is quite good. It almost is reminiscent of a coffee milkshake which makes no sense. There must be some sort of black magic fuckery going on with all the ingredients. Anyway, the rum lingers, and finishes the sip with a little bite, which is nice. Given this is a tropical type drink, one wouldn’t necessarily expect the rum to finish as strong as it does, but it was a nice surprise to me. The vermouth float adds a bit of initial sweetness that gets stepped on by the coconut. But, omitting I think would detract from the overall flavor.

I ditched the garnish after two sips, not because it didn’t add anything, but it quickly became a safety hazard. The appropriate glassware for this drink is a goblet. Lacking one, I used a stemless wine glass, and nearly poked my eye out. Use proper glassware when you can, kids.

Overall, this is a good drink, with little effort needed. I highly suggest you go out and get the ingredients and mix one up this weekend and pretend you’re planning your escape with your mistress-wife.

*There may have been a second Escape involved here.

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Someone get me some Coco Lopez and some insulin


My friend is gonna make a sticker that says CLOSE THE BARS, OPEN THE SCHOOLS

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think Super Jimmy has had too many of these and when he wakes up his Super Butthole is going to be Super Sore.

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

These seem like the kind of drinks where you lose count and it gets out of hand.

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Which episode of Laverne & Shirley was this in?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think it was the “College Experimental Phase” episode.

Season 6, episode 9.


When Lenny and Squiggy misunderstood “carpet munching” and “scissoring” and hijinks ensued?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Was this taken on Eleanor Roosevelt look-alike night?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Sword Swallowing Night was different in the 1940s.

Horatio Cornblower

I read that as “garnish with a pineapple and cherry fag” and thought Buddy had started writing these.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Cherry cigarettes are bloody awful.”

-Digby, Deffinshire

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

This sounds fucking delicious. The write up is like honest ad copy (I know; that’s an imaginary concept).

Happy Friday!!

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Don T

Happy Friday!
Related: what I miss most, about having a boss, was telling him / her on a Friday: “I’m going to lunch. Have a good weekend”.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

We have four nines and a four which makes this reasonable. Of course that is the theory.

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I was looking for Coco Lopez at the store just yesterday! I’ve got all the other ingredients, so I’ll be making this soon!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

My too, this one lady responded, but I don’t think her name was really Coco.

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Viva La Tabula Raza

Full disclosure: My aunt & uncle own an active bog in Norfolk, MA.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It seems in the real world nobody cares about conflict of interest. Did you sell your stock in the band?

Don T

Coco López yeah! 2 oz. straight can cause diabeetus.

Viva La Tabula Raza

I think they offer an insulin-fortified variety.


Shit made the same joke without scrolling down first


It’s mos def summertime here:


Looks and sounds delicious. I’m on Day 11 of no-alcohol. I know Don T said it was best to just focus on the current day, and I have been trying to do that. So should I not be counting how many days it’s been?


Seems good to acknowledge and celebrate your successes.

On that note, congrats!


It’s legit to count one day at a time. That’s what anniversaries are for.

Don T

Oh yeah. Getting days strung together is the satisfying part! Plus waking up where you’re supposed to, I guess as well.
Concentrate on today only. I’m rooting for ya.

Horatio Cornblower

Take it one day at a time going forward, but absolutely give yourself credit for every day you’ve racked up in the past. Good for you.