The English: Are They Human? Case Study 6: Legal Oddities

Despite controlling one-third of the world’s landmass and one-quarter of its population at its peak in the late 19th century, one really has to wonder if the English are even civilized in the first place. As Indian historian and MP Dr. Shashi Tharoor stated in a 2015 speech at Oxford University, “No wonder the sun never set on the British Empire… even God couldn’t trust the English in the dark.”

In G.J. Renier’s The English: Are They Human?, the author sets out to examine why the English are the way they are; it’s not an easy task. Despite the title being absolutely hilarious, the book itself is somewhat humorous, but overall quite academic. This, to me, is quite disappointing. Thus, I am setting out to improve upon his work, and find some case studies that properly shed light on what makes the English such an absurd people. Fortunately, there’s so much out there to choose from. After careful research, it is my conclusion that the English cannot be considered human.


Well, for this week’s reason, they have some of the weirdest laws in existence anywhere in the world. Here’s a few of my personal favorites to help demonstrate my point.


1. You may not carry a ladder or plank of wood while walking home in the City of London. If you do? £500 fine.

Volunteers carrying wood planks - Stock Image - F015/2054 - Science Photo Library
2. It is illegal to fly a kite in the City of London. Thanks to the Metropolitan Police Act 1839, this is also a £500 fine. Under this same Act, it’s also illegal to beat carpets outdoors after 8 AM  – which carries the same two hundred quid pricetag.

Lessons from Kite Flying - KOMAL PARMAR'S E-PORTFOLIO
3. You may not enter the House of Commons in a suit of armor. This dates back to 1313, when political unrest dictated that all members of the English Parliament had to enter the chamber without weapons or protection. If you did, it would have been considered an act of treason against the King (at the time, Edward II), and likely would have meant a death sentence. As far as legal scholars can tell, this has never happened.

Did medieval knights REALLY wear as much armor as is often portrayed? - Quora
4. In Beverley, East Yorkshire, you may not hang your laundry to dry outdoors; this is actually a law that might actually still be enforced in the modern era. It apparently “may detract from the visual enjoyment of the building or otherwise could cause offence to fellow residents”, according to one luxury complex in the town.

Let it all hang out – Air dry your laundry | Take Action Burlington
5. You can get a DUI for riding a horse, cow or steam engine while intoxicated. This carries a £200 fine thanks to the Licensing Act 1872. When the Gladstone government passed this legislation, which included sweeping regulations for the sale and consumption of alcohol in the 19th century, the working class almost rioted on numerous occasions.

6. Furthermore to the Licensing Act 1872, public drunkenness – the foundation of middle-class English culture – is illegal. This carries a similar £200 fine or 51 weeks in prison. This is most certainly worthy of riots, but apparently only the nobility is organized enough to protest anything these days in England.

7. It’s legal in Yorkshire to shoot a Scotsman with a crossbow, except on Sundays. However, on Sundays, if the Scotsman is drunk or has a weapon, you are allowed to shoot him – just not with a bow and arrow.

Buried diggers and knighted meat: Stubborn urban legends - BBC News
8. In Chester, it’s legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow; however, it must be done only after midnight, and must be done within the city walls. Much to many Englishmen’s chagrin, neither of these laws are still considered permissible in the modern era.

Chester postcode information - list of postal codes |
9. It’s an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the head of the monarch upside-down on the corner of the envelope. It’s also treasonous to burn paper money, bend coins, or tear the postage stamp – you are defacing or destroying a likeness of the King or Queen. All of these offences carry a £200 fine.

The truth about 15 odd 'laws': Are upside-down stamps and beds hung out of  windows illegal? - Nottinghamshire Live
10. Trespassing is illegal – but in Cornwall, it’s ok if you’re a huer or a baulker – these ancient occupations involved people standing on cliffs shouting at fishing boats, directing them towards schools of fish. They’re allowed to go wherever they please.

cliff top fishing - Value Stock Photo
11. Nicky-nicky-nine-door, or “knockdown ginger”, or any other various names of the same game, is illegal in London. Under the Metropolitan Police Act 1854, this carries a £500 fine today.

Games: Nicky Nicky Nine Door by on @DeviantArt |  Pinterest humor, My childhood memories, Childhood
12. It is illegal in England, Wales and Scotland to “handle salmon in suspicious circumstances”; if the person receiving fish believes it may have been illegally fished, they are required to report or elsewise face a fine, which I believe is £500. This law dates from 1986 – incredible that it’s so recent.

Swimming atlantic salmon fish 3D model - TurboSquid 1431489
13. Until 2005, it was illegal to gamble in British libraries, but fortunately, the Libraries Act 1998 eventually saw these gambling laws repealed over the course of the next few years. HAIL GAMBLOR.

Library - Wikipedia
While I know that the United States and Canada have a number of weird laws of their own, they still can’t hold a candle to just how ridiculous the UK legal code is, even today. Anyone who considers this a functional society has to be absolutely kidding themselves – a society that outlaws public drunkenness, as well as all these other things, can in no way be considered to have been created by humanity. Chalk up yet another piece of evidence that leads me to conclude that English are inhuman.


Information for this article taken from here, here, here, here, here, here, and here

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The Maestro
The Maestro is a mystical Canadian internet user and New England Patriots fan; when the weather is cooperative and the TV signal at his igloo is strong enough, he enjoys watching the NFL, the Ottawa Senators & REDBLACKS, and yelling into the abyss on Twitter. He is somehow allowed to teach music to high school students when he isn't in a blind rage about sports, and is also a known connoisseur of cheap beers across the Great White North.
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However, on Sundays, if the Scotsman is drunk

C’mon, “if?” Who are we trying to fool here?


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Wood Walking

King Hippo

I mean, this series is worthy of a doctorate. Amirite or amirite??

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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This does beg the question: how obsessed is Rex Ryan about his own feet?


What is this, Japan?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There is only one Balls you get to see on this site.


The City of London (as opposed to “just” London) has a lot of peculiarities dating back to, iirc, Roman times. One is that the Queen/King must ask permission before entering the City. It’s also a tax haven, which shouldn’t surprise anyone.


In Chester, it’s legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow; however, it must be done only after midnight, and must be done within the city walls. Much to many Englishmen’s chagrin, neither of these laws are still considered permissible in the modern era.

Well, and also, even the Welsh have learned not to walk around with crossbows after midnight.
#4: I think there are quite a few places that ban hanging clothes outside. I think in the U.S. that’s more of an HOA-type busybody rule than a government thing.

#10: One cool law that the U.K. has concerns right to roam (or “ramble”). It makes it possible to go for hikes in many areas of the countryside that are privately owned, as long as you stick to specified trails. Oh, and don’t fuck the sheep — that’s the owner’s privilege.

#11: Kids in my neighborhood called it “knock knock on ginger.” I never knew what it meant. It was also a pretty boring game/prank — we didn’t play it much.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is one thing about freedom in the US; in Wyoming you can fuck any sheep as long as you don’t damage the poor thing otherwise.


Yeah, but it better be a sheep of the opposite sex. I mean, Wyoming has to stand for biblical values.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Or at least dressed that way. Of course large land owners can do what the fuck they want.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Brings to mind;

Q; Do you know why males from Wyoming wear button fly jeans?
“No, why?”
A; Because zippers scare the sheep.

There is another one about the sheep/ pig stuck in a fence, but I can’t think of it now.

“Why do men from Wyoming fuck sheep?”
“Mister, have you seen women from Wyoming?”


The version I’ve heard is: city kid is visiting his cousin’s ranch. They spot a sheep stuck in the fence, its ass wiggling in the air.

City kid: “Boy, I wish that was [name of hot female celebrity].”
Country kid: “Shit, I just wish it was dark.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That’s it. There is also one of the city kid starting to remove it from the fence and the country kid already has his pants down saying something like “Stop. We don’t really like the chase out here.”


You kid, but there are numerous states where bestiality is legal. I’ll never forget that in 2004 South Dakota’s legislature voted to OVERTURN the law prohibiting bestiality at the same time it outlawed abortion. So …

Christian Values, folks.

Last edited 4 years ago by Unsurprised
Game Time Decision

isn’t it always after midnight?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The Hour of Zoophilia?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I used to have a calendar (one per day) of stupid US laws still on the books. We certainly inherited the penchant to over control the bottom portion of the population and make sure to add unintended consequences.

Game Time Decision

Titans vs Steelers game official postponed to another TBD week as more peeps have tested positive for the NuAIDS.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

With the state of STD treatment they never did have to quarantine Gronk.


Re: postage offenses. It’s one thing to be hanged for treason because I defaced a stamp or currency, but I’ll be goddamned if I pay a fucking £200 fine on top of that.


I know a guy who got a DUI for bicycling drunk, which I suppose is not an unfamiliar occurrence to some people here.


I went to high school with a guy who got one riding a horse. He tried to fight it, but the judge said neigh.


Plot twist: the horse was the judge’s wife.


“How dare you, Sir!”
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Road Apple!!


Roadkill given Broderick’s driving record.

Horatio Cornblower

Meanwhile, just across the Irish Sea, the Irish have ruled that Subway bread isn’t actually bread.


That’s perfectly fair.

It says a lot about how shitty our food is that many countries don’t consider American recipe Hershey’s to be real chocolate or a lot of food like this to be “food” sufficient for sale to the public.

Upton Sinclair fails again.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It is odd that something so obvious is not a law everywhere Subway exists.


A company that protected its pedophile spokesman for a decade is not above legally bribing governments


You got to love the modern English when they condemn SE Asian immigrants doing acid attacks, when in reality, the English exported acid attacks to SE Asia and now have imported it back.

Also, they turned the country and culture that gave us the Kama Sutra into a bunch a repressed, sexual prudes.

The best part of the World Cup is how every four years, the English expect to win it all despite routinely having a terrible squad.

Last edited 4 years ago by JustStopDude

I wouldn’t say the field a terrible squad – “thoroughly mediocre” seems to be more accurate. Speaking of the World Cup (or basically any international appearance by either club or country), the lovely Brits would routinely start massive brawls, yet scream bloody murder if the other side actually beat the everloving shit outta them 😀


The English also introduced scalping to North America.

Fucking savages.

King Hippo

yeah, they done a lot of fucking savages too ,, smgdh


Is that law the reason the English get absolutely trashed in foreign countries before soccer games? It would make sense…


At least they no longer allow wife selling.

Although with some of the women out there…

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Do Salmon cannons count as handling them illegally?
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sharkbait
Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I used to have a girlfriend who could be described as such.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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