Hello out there! Thank you all for reading and now participating. This is the tenth installment and I had no idea it would go this far. I surmise that the pandemic helped, except for getting the goods, it has been a bit more dicey as my provincial government has opened everything up and the ‘Rona is lurking. Of course in my city the highest concentration of the Rona has been in the neighboUrhoods who have multiple families in their dwelling. This is where I go to find all of my goodies from around the globe. Soon I will have an episode with where I procure these goods in all of their glory.
Alfredo’s Truffle potato chips
When some of the kommentist party purchased the Yum box (no royalties) I was interested to find out what they thought. Our resident culinary expert Yeah Right exclaimed that he really liked them.
Note, I like truffle subtly but dislike it when it is overpowering. For instance Mrs. Cola and I order pizzas from a local spot and she gets 5 cheese thing with truffle honey oil. I will not even keep my pizza near hers as all I taste is truffle. It overpowers so much in cuisine and people dump it on everything.
The chips are crispy salty and have a creamy truffle taste to them. It isn’t overpowering and is muted by the salt. I am surprised that I like them and I would eat them again. It is not like you are going to sit down and house a huge bag of them but with red wine they are delicious.
To the Kommentists!
Scotchnaut : Love the Truffle chips-reminds me of a salt and pepper chip (did Miss Vickies make one before she was bought out by The Big Boys?) but with more depth of flavoUr.
Dok Zymm: I liked the truffle chips, but I’m also a fan of truffle fries and truffle popcorn so not surprising.
LC: How big a truffle fan are you?
Dok Zymm : Medium I guess? I’ve definitely had overly truffled stuff, but that’s the exception rather than the rule. Subtle can work well, but usually in more complex dishes. On something like a chip it’s meant to be the primary flavor.
Wang chang gu – Honey dipped snack.
I will say that through our journey I have definitely had my eyes opened to the Korean love of the sweet chips. The honey glazed snacks have been excellent. This one is no exception it is phenomenal and I ate the whole bag in one seating. I really need to go to Korea as I love their food and now am aware that I love their snacks!
/Checks to see if weed is legal in Korea
/It is not
One thing I definitely will try if I ever go is eating the octopus that is still somewhat alive and the suction cups stick to your teeth. So fresh! (Here you go GTD)
Todo Rico – Criollo
The ingredients are a who’s who of Columbian snacks. We have yuca, cassava, plantain, yellow potatoes, and other additives. It’s an interesting bag because there are all of those different chips within. Some are sweet and others are salty, it’s a bag of mystery which is fun. I just noticed the company who makes these is the same company that makes my favoUrite find of this adventure in their Roasted Chicken chips. The Pollo chps have been out of stock forever at the two markets where I can get them. Decilitre loves them and a bag never lasts long in this place.
I ate the whole bag because I was high and that every bite was quite different. I imagine a big bag of these at a bbq would be unreal.
Tra-fo – Bio Organic hand cooked chip Cheese Onion
Mrs.Cola had them before me, said they are bland which means I am already disappointed cuz I got high and ate some Walkers from England this past weekend. “They are pretty thin for being thick cut”. Well this comment just made me question my manhood. They are pretty fucking bland and a cross between a potato chip and a kettle fried one. I still like them, will finish this bag as I procured some sweet Moroccan Hash that makes me melt into the couch and get big time munchies. I expected more from the Dutch on this one. I mean there is a lovely town named Gouda that is heaven for cheese lovers (nawt Hippo). I would really have thought that these would have more flavoUr. I guess I was comparing them to Walkers Chees and Onion which are my 2nd fave flavoUr that they make.
Have a great day and be safe.
Whenever I say that I hate futbol and fuck everything I watch this to cheer me up. It is kind of like chasing the dragon as I will never feel as jacked for anything in sport as I did during this run. When my club scrapes the bottom of the premiership I just remember these days and how glorious they were. This gives me hope that perhaps it could happen again (It won’t)
Why don’t we have these anymore?
I want some snacks.
“Let’s go get some FUCKING SNACKS!” — Rex Ryan
Those truffle chips were fucking awesome. I did indeed pair those with a pinot noir to much success.
This match at the Brier is 1-0 after 5 ends. WTF is this, lesser footy?
(Meanwhile, somewhere Pat Ryan is shrugging and saying, “seems like a lot of offense to me.”)
And it’s a 3-0 final, tying for the lowest-scoring game, at least since 1980.
thats SNACKING!!
They have a slutty Blanche! She is my shero.
One of my co-workers is from South Korea and thus fucking LOVES the live octopus thing. He also eats the sushi equivalent of street meat\hot dog cart thing, so I question his taste in food. He’s sick, like, every other week from it.
Gangnam style or go the fuck home.
Are you sure that he’s not actually a (bad) North Korean sleeper that just can’t get his head around the idea that food is actually plentiful over ‘ere and that you can actually CHOOSE what Good stuff you can eat
ya, no. He’s cheap as fuck. And what moneys he does have is going to go to a condo that he bought like 18 month ago, that he’ll move into in like 20 years when the start to work on it, so is house\condo poor.
and he misses South Korea, but doesn’t want to move back.
Does nawt compUUt , because people tend to move an ocean away because they either get a really great offer (or are like me and legitimately despise the country they grew up in) so … I don’t get why he’d do ^. Hell, knowing what some friends in Korea are making, I’m pretty sure he’d still have that condo to look forward to even with an office drone job in Second Bestest Korea
Had a couple port visits to the RoK. Took the train from where we berthed in Inchon to Seoul at rush hour. I like the smell of garlic but Jesus that train smelled like a Roman vomitorium, I almost passed out.
Potato chips are one of those things that it’s pretty hard to mess up, but it’s still sad when they fail to achieve their full potential. Especially when there is cheese involved.
Not potato based, but I have some crispy mochi puffs with Hokkaido cheddar that I’m eager to try, possibly tonight!
Because I’m not entirely sure Dunstan saw the second part of the extender explanation/clarification
I have been looking at wifi mesh systems, but not sure if they would be better than an extender or an access point.
Mesh networking is basically the same idea as normal wifi extenders, but with dynamic data routing – Ie if normally the node on the second floor of your house has a good signal to the router/base station, it acts like a normal extender, but if …let’s say your significant other puts something in the microwave (which for the sake of this example is between the bedroom node and the router) which drowns out the direct link, the mesh system will try to route the signal via the node that’s in another room that still has a valid signal route to both the bedroom node and the router.
This switching can also happen because you’ve suddenly travelled to the pre-rona times and you’ve got a party going and too many people are connected to a node,which will start to hand off devices to neighbouring nodes so everyone has theoretically a good signal… Basically, it’s a question of topography, lol – one network can be considered (sorta) like a static hub and spoke/tree model (or if your network guy didn’t care about toing things right a chain of nodes going to the router ) and the other is a dynamic “fastest path/best QoS path”… and which some manufacturers enabled as an option to older devices, because at the end of the day it really is a (relatively) simple software tweak and a whole load of wanketeering terms 😀
Unrelated – if I become increasingly testy – send me a bag of KitKats, because dealing with these Space Force bureaucrats is making my blood boil.
Also, apparently it’s a lie that it never rains in Southern California,lol
Ah, but the song lyric is “it never rains in Southern California but it pours”
This time of year there’s usually a moderate amount. We just had a rain-free February, for only the 8th time on record. But March is making up for it.
It’s basically an intermittent drizzle… so a knockoff of proper Irish weather, but with temperatures that don’t make you recheck the date, ’cause it’s supposed to be summer, yet it’s the same 10*C as bloody December 😀
Edit: Correction – it is in fact 13*C, yet feels warmer for some reason… I don’t like it! 😀
Remember the Space Force was started by Festering ShitGibbon, so no wonder it a bunch of idiots. When the TSA was set up, they got their staff from the unwanted or incompetent of other departments, so expect no competence from the Space Force since I think that was what happened to staff them as well.
In this case it’s more of literally taking an existing and working USAF command and just calling it an independent service (because daddy Turnip never gave his little shitgibbon a hug/or because of an barbiturate-induced daydream of being as cool as Captain Kirk) . The issue I’ve got it is that the lads are working with projections (for needed capability) that have been changed 7 times so far this week, so we can’t talk actual pricing nor terms until they commit to at least a minimum requirement. They’re definitely being nice about it. Unfortunately, since i talk “military” and tend to get well with bureucrats (including politicians,lol) I tend to get litre’d and sent to lay groundwork for governmental contracts (in fact when I finish here, I’m going back to Sweden… via Malaysia, Australia and South Aftrica, XD )
I am glad that you are dealing with competent people and not a new version of the TSA.
Luckily, the closest I’ve gotten to working with the TSA was a cavity search 😀 In their defence – I was looking shifty, sweating, had a foreign accent.. basically the entire “this be sus, yo” guideline (except that it was because I was hungover and battling mild food poisoning (I made the mistake of eating a hot dog at Citi Field), so I don’t begrudge them … Well, that and a couple of fruitless meetings with DHS flunkies where they basically wanted to contract us now and pay “whenever” XD
It is snowing hard here in Big Bear, I love it!
Thanks. I ended up ordering a TP Link AC2600, which is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Realistically I rarely have more than three devices (TV, laptop, phone) on WiFi at a time, and probably only one of them is likely to be streaming at a time, so not terribly worried about the workload.
Haven’t figured out where I’ll place it yet. I did pick up a couple of ethernet cables, too.
Sound choice – the AC2600 shouldn’t even notice even if the 3 devices are streaming at the same time in 4K (both in terms of raw bandwidth and in terms of signal processing). As for the signal itself – there are some really good free apps for iOS and Android that allow you to map out your place to see the signal is gone (or at least iffy) – I personally use Solarwinds though I think there are iOS and Android apps that are bit more user-friendly (and actually intended for smaller site surveys) 😀
Yeah, I’ve been using Cloudcheck, which seems to do all I need it to.
I looked it up and it looks, nice, intuitive and simple to use… Unfortunately, I’m conditioned to like and use obtuse, temperamental and pointlessly overcomplicated instead 😀
I got a TP Link(edit is at AX3000) to replace the crappy WIFI router that comes as part of my internet providers’ cable modem and most of the dead spots in the house are now gone. We also have a zillion devices attached and don’t experience any slow downs, even when multiple people streaming. So you might not need the mesh thingy.
Routers in general have better (or at least “not cripled”) CPUs, that don’t bottleneck things – I conversely had an otherwise good Fritz! (German brand, I got that one because it has a cable tuner inside and could be used while travelling as a VPN/privacy protector… and watch TV) that tended to shit itself if more than 6 devices got connected to it even if only 1 device is “active” and the rest IoT sensors XD
yep, the internet provider’s WiFi router was limited to like 20 connections, so it would keep trying dynamically assign slots and competing with other devices or just plain running out, so it made sense to get a better router. I also like that I can now replace the cable modem and not have to spend a few hours configuring the router, i can just use mine.
Been there, lol – in my case they also threw some really annoying extra quirks like not being able to manage my own device (ie – IP address reservation, wifi channels and was actually working at 50% cap, because my ISP thought that using people’s routers to create public wifi “access points”) which I was paying through the nose for 😀
Luckily, nowadays I’ve got dedicated fibre (comp’d by work,lol) both in Ireland and here, so I don’t have to deal with those assholes ever again 😀