Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Resolute Determination

Well, we’ve made it. Week 52. Day 365. In a manner of hours, 2021 will be in the rear view mirror and I’m not exactly sad to see it go. Sure, it was better than the absolute dumpster fire 2020 was, but that bar was so low, worms were tripping over it. All in all, 2021 was a pretty decent year for me. I wrote my 100th post in January, I got a new house, as well as a better job; and despite a close call, still missed out on the plague that is still unfortunately ravaging the world at this very moment, almost 2 years in.

Dodging COVID, artist concept

Thanks to the wonders of science, Mrs. Sharkbait and I are double vaxxed, boosted, and Sharkette will be first in line once the vaccine is approved for the 24 month to 5 year old age group. Unfortunately, the fact we’re still in this mess has somewhat cast a pall over this past year, and that shadow is extending into 2022.

With that in mind, I’m going to try to be more positive going forward here. Actually, that brings me to a good point. I’m generally a pretty positive and upbeat person, but I had a few low moments and doubts over the course of the year. As we all have I’m sure. However, I think going into this coming year, I’m going to try and just focus on what I can control, and tune out all the outside dumbassery that I cannot change, despite the best of my abilities. I’m usually not a big resolutions guy, but I guess that’s my New Year’s resolution right there. Be more positive and control what I can control for the better, and not spin my wheels worrying about what I can do fuck all about. What about all of you? What are your resolutions? Throw them in the comments.

Apologies for the long winded intro, let’s move on to the subject at hand, this week’s drink! For New Years Eve I wanted to have a Champagne (or sparkling wine) cocktail given that most of you will have some on hand already. Last year I made one too many elderflower, gin & prosecco cocktails which necessitated the old pepper leadoff in that post. After having already made the beautifully simple Champagne cocktail, I needed something a little bit different. Luckily I’ve been sitting on a champagne cocktail for a little bit, and is featured in an awesome book called Last Call that I got for Christmas called “Death In The Afternoon”. It’s an Ernest Hemingway special so you know it’s gonna be strong, and good:

Death In The Afternoon:

1 oz. Absinthe

Champagne or Sparkling wine

Garnish: Lemon twist

Pour the absinthe into a chilled coupe or flute. Slowly top with the Champagne. Garnish with the lemon twist

The nose of this is, bright, citrusy and fruity thanks to the prosecco I used in place of champagne. I figured good prosecco is better than marginal champagne here. A second and third smell revel some light absinthe notes cutting through the lemon and prosecco aromas.

Wow. This is a very different, and heavy hitting drink. The flavor could not be any different that what the nose leads you to believe. The smells would lead you to think this is light and effervescent, but it could not be farther from the truth. The light and bubbly prosecco lead in on the palate is very quickly shoved out of the way by the absinthe bitterness. The fennel and anise notes of the absinthe really take over, and don’t relinquish palate domination until the end for a split second when the prosecco pops back up, before those notes are beaten down by the absinthe again.

There is a bit of aftertaste on this one that lingers for a minute or two, so this is a sipper for sure. Don’t rush to finish this one, you won’t enjoy it very much if you do.

There is this really great quote in the beginning of the Last Call book that resonates with me and seems pretty apt for our current times:

“Until we’re all together at the bar once again, with dirty martinis and platters of cold, crisp oysters to comfort us”

I like the sound of that. Hopefully this coming year will allow us to all get together again and enjoy life to the fullest again. Cheers!

(Banner image found here)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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[…] (snowy Northeast) Friday everyone. Following up on my absinthe experiment last week, I wanted to find a better use for my supply. Enter the classic Sazerac. Once I realized […]




Georgia with the Trick play for the TD!
That’s Rocking!!!


I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson this eve: these playoffs do not fucking need to be expanded to 8000 teams jesus fucking christ.

King Hippo

(checks to see how much time left on the washer)

(eyes pill bottle lovingly)