Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Seeing Stars

Hello and happy Friday once again. I’ve been wanting to use the newly acquired Applejack, and went looking for something unique and creative I could use it in. That didn’t take very long, as I remembered the Please Don’t Tell book has more than a few recipes that require Applejack.The Applejack Rabbit in that volume is one that I picked and when I went to make it, I made a critical discovery: I’m lacking the orange juice, which is a rather important ingredient. I hadn’t realized I was out since I was at my sister in laws all week watching their kids. Getting some more was also out of the question since we’re going away for the next week and a half and we’re trying to empty out the fridge, and not add to it. With few other options but still wanting to use the brandy, I went searching for more simple ideas for the Laird’s and found variations on themes for Old Fashioneds and Manhattans, but was not really impressed by what I found. Then it hit me. The distiller probably has suggested recipes for their spirits, why don’t I look there? Among the many good looking drinks I found (and bookmarked there) was a Manhattan riff called the Star Cocktail. I’ve got all the stuff and it looks simple enough, it’s worth testing out in my opinion:

2 oz. Laird’s Apple Brandy
1 oz. Sweet vermouth
3 Dashes Angostura bitters

Fill a cocktail mixing glass halfway with ice. Add all ingredients and stir well with a bar spoon. Strain into a coupe/martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel

Heavy vermouth on the nose. I can get more of the lemon peel garnish going back in and that adds a nice brightness to the drink.

Oh. Now this is not what I expected. Though to be fair, I really don’t know what I expected out of this. It is very, very close to a regular Manhattan actually. As much of the vermouth aroma you get, you get of the Laird’s on the sip. It’s a lot softer than rye or bourbon in a Manhattan, but it has enough zip to let you know there is some tasty apple brandy in there. Because of the softness of the brandy vs whiskey, I can pick up a lot more of the bitters here, especially since there is an extra dash of bitters in there. The vermouth is a nice base layer of flavor that is always present, adding a touch of sweetness underneath the bitters and the brandy. The finish is a nice mixture of all flavors working in concert for a nice balanced end to this drink.

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I’ve had Manhattan riffs before that don’t compare to the original, and this one is easily the best of the bunch. I’d serve this to someone that thinks they don’t like whiskey or manhattans, and see if they enjoy it. I know I did, and would make this again in a second if I wanted a simple brandy based cocktail.


(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Somebody is really looking forward to the honeymoon!

Brick Meathook

Here’s a cocktail I’ve been dreaming of – – some purple drank!

I’ve been getting by with generic OTC Tussin combined with crushed Oxycontins, which is probably a lot better. I’ve been in bed asleep for 72 hours with a chest cold, but at least I don’t have Covid (or the clap). Pray for Mojo.

Brick Meathook

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I took some of that as directed a while back when I had a chest cold, borrowing it from the missus. At least I think that’s what it was. That shit will mess you up. I drank some Robitussin once when I was young and stupid, and it got me good and fucked up. But a tablespoon or two of that shit was next-level. As in, not drinking that again, will just go hunt up a bottle of benadryl and drink that if I need it.


Miss Applejack would like a word

Game Time Decision

and now we know why Andy was always in his room playing with his toy s

Senor Weaselo

Paging Redshirt!


“The Applejack Rabbit in that volume is one that I picked and when I went to make it, I made a critical discovery: I’m lacking the orange juice, which is a rather important ingredient.”

Hmmm. I would’ve expected carrot juice for an Applejack Rabbit…

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Game Time Decision

fun fact, the orange part of carrots is too sweet for rabbits to eat in volume. The stems and leaves are good for them tho.


Nice for an occasional treat though. They’re pretty much junk food for th’ lil bunners.


Speaking of: “C is 100 percent real carrot, with no artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors or preservatives. It’s 92 proof, 46 percent ABV and comes in a 375 ml bottle with a $29.99 pricetag. 12.5 pounds of carrots go into every bottle.”–.html


I have two bottles of Laird’s Applejack, and I don’t love it. It’s not bad, just almost never my go to.

Game Time Decision

When I go get my nose bleed from BFC, I’m gonna take one of the Applejack bottles


You can have the half drunk one.