Pour Encourager les Autres: Tuesday Open Thread

It’s mid-Summer, which can only mean one thing: revisiting the Age of Sail! That’s right, bitches– in the absence of serious hockey, basketball and Tuesday football, oceans are now battlefields!

Currently I am listening to a biography of Commodore Stephen Decatur and reading a delightful account of the Seven Years War (French and Indian War for those of us in the States), including the sad story of Admiral John Byng.

Royal Museums Greenwich, rmg.co.uk

It’s a fascinating story about a weak-minded admiral, the Rule of Unintended Consequences, political ass-covering and the role of ego in world history. Seriously, if George II wasn’t so pissed at Pitt the Elder, maybe Byng wouldn’t have been shot on his own quarterdeck.

Voltaire was being snide when he talked about the British occasionally shooting an admiral “to encourage the others,” but there is a fair argument it worked.

I’d like to pretend that my descent into Middle Aged White Dadness is a recent development, but I’ve been this way since college. It truly is a miracle I found a spouse.

TANGENT: you can see the HMS Surprise (nee Rose) in San Diego! Or if you are on the East Coast, the Tall Ship Lynx sails regularly.


-After news broke that Dak Prescott had a mild foot sprain, I proclaimed that this was going to end with an amputation. Lo, Dak was spotted wearing a walking boot on vacation while insisting that it is a “precautionary measure” and that there is “absolutely nothing” wrong with him. Because who among us doesn’t occasionally hobble around wearing durable medical equipment for funsies?

-Jaguar Josh Allen is now Josh Harris-Allen. Which is good, because Josh Allen getting sacked by Josh Allen was both confusing and sucky.


Argentina! Canada! When these two classic rivals take the field, throw out the records!

Mostly because they’ve only ever played twice. And Argentina has been dominant.

Still! Team Canada (the Mounties?) has looked better since their opening group stage loss to Argentina. Really, these countries should be allies- a polar disposition, excellent steak cultures, etc. Alas, fate has made them bitter enemies.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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[…] swear, I am a goddamned cliche sometimes. Last week I was all up in that naval history bitch, now I’m complaining about how I don’t recognize half the names on the All-Star Game […]

Doktor Zymm

100% of gay Hollywood stars I know would tell me to sleep on my side. i probably will, but just because I like sleeping that way. Gnight brie, gnight delilah

Doktor Zymm

Note to self, naming tit brie does NAWT make tit taste like brie. Should probably go sleep now am oversharing pretty much constantly I think. Want brie boobs. Sleepy, night y’all.

Mr. Ayo

Sjopi;d wmet wojy borrata fpr tje rojty pme/ Sire tjat wpiud; tats betters

Doktor Zymm

ij! hrat’l, lol