Shout-Out to Matt Groening before the money poured in! A person you don’t know passed away yesterday. She lived her entire life trying to make other people’s lives better. She was the humblest person I’ve ever known. Cancer took her away. She didn’t deserve this. She was a queen . Life goes on. And on.
Found a funny:
It’s a great Sunday night to RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!
Surprised that zymm would get that close to ice
She’s got to get used to it if she’s ever going to visit that Fortress of Solitude she recently acquired in a poker game.
By the way, I’m here in Donald Trump’s Washington D.C., the Land of Absolute Fantasy.
I’ve made a fan of Balls! There are some really good “fake AI trailers” in this method.
It’s using AI as a creative tool, not a substitute for human creativity.
Pure AI is soulless dreck. We’ve been using AI tools in high-end VFX since the late 1990’s, from very basic to more advanced; the technology just keeps maturing.
I’ve posted this before, but I still think this “Flintstones” trailer is the best one I’ve seen so far. This has so much human creativity (and decision making) in the implementation of the AI tools, that’s what makes it so good.
Oops! Forgot to Control-C before Control-V! Try again (Scooby is good too):
I just saw one for The Jetsons. It’s good but the characters’ look is inconsistent. They need to tweak the AI.
I like these better.
But yes, you have made me a fan.
Oh it definitely takes a real artist to make these for that exact reason.
I think there are a bunch of people making these now, so you’ll see varying levels of quality.
Maybe one of these can be our video project, Balls. I have all of the tools and equipment, probably more than all of these people.
I think we’ve found our video project!!
Hell yeah!
Balls, look at the difference between the “Scooby” trailer and the “Flintstones” trailer. They were made by two different creators. The “Flintstones” is vastly superior of the two. First, it is short and to the point, second, it has consistency and quality control.
The “Scooby” trailer is inconsistent, too long, rambling, and seems thrown together.
Yup. You can totally tell…
We really need to have lunch when you get back…
House of Pies? Phillippe’s? Tam O’Shanter? Langer’s?
All along the Pasadenas/Playa del Rey neutral zone.
I’m back February 8th.
Tam would be appropriate given we’ll be talking video project but I’m good with any of those.
Any lunch joint is okay by me, Balls.
I’ll share my theory here now but I’ve had it since 2023.
In the next ten years, we will be developing on top of cemetary grounds. Guaranteed.