The French restaurant was so vacant that if the hostess hadn’t led them to their table personally, Sebastian would have assumed that it was closed.  Only one other table was occupied – a pair of bottle-aged middle blondes.  “I guess I probably didn’t need to call ahead for that reservation,” Rikki quipped as the two sat down.  A waiter appeared almost immediately and handed them a pair of menus, and with no other tasks to occupy his time, he remained several steps away until Sebastian looked up from the cocktail list.

“An old-fashioned,” Sebastian told him, followed by Rikki’s request for the restaurant’s signature martini, vodka with blue-cheese stuffed olives.

Sebastian looked the menu over carefully, ultimately deciding to keep it simple and order a steak. Their drinks arrived promptly, thanks to a bartender who was probably as starved for activity as the waiter.

“So finish what you were telling me about that Nightingale strategy,” Sebastian said, setting his menu down.

Martingale strategy,” Rikki laughed. “It originated in eighteenth century France as a roulette strategy.  The basic principle is that you bet a certain amount of money – let’s say a dollar…”

“Shouldn’t it be francs?” Sebastian interrupted.

Rikki smirked at his pedantry and seized the opportunity to take a sip of his martini.

“Of course, let’s say francs.  You bet a franc on something with a fifty-fifty chance of winning – let’s say ‘red’ on a roulette spin…”


“What? Where?” Rikki looked around nervously, betraying his upbringing in suburban Connecticut.

“No, no, haven’t you heard? Always bet on Blax. I learned that at a tax avoision seminar.”

Rikki grinned.  “Oh, right, right.  Okay, so you bet the franc on black. If you win, you pocket the franc you’ve won, and bet a franc again.  If you lose, you double your bet.”

“And if you lose again, you just keep doubling your bet?”

“That’s right.  The theory is that the odds of hitting red five, six, or even seven times in a row are vanishingly slim.”

Sebastian frowned.  “And that it? You just keep doubling up until you win, at which point you’ve profited a single franc?”

“In principle, yeah. But there’s a problem.  Setting aside the fact that you’d need infinite capital to make it work over the long term, casinos employ what’s called a ‘table limit’ in terms of how large of a bet they’ll let you place.  You might have noticed it at the blackjack tables.” Rikki nodded in the direction of the casino.

“I only noticed that the minimum was $15.”

“Right.  But there’s also a maximum that they don’t display as prominently, that’s usually about ten times the minimum.  So if you’re constantly doubling, quadrupling, et cetera your bet, you’ll run into that fairly quickly.  And then you can’t get it all back with a single spin, which blows the whole thing up.”

“Doesn’t seem like something Jalen Ramsey would endorse.”

“No, it’s not a viable strategy. But there’s a way around the table limit.  Imagine if you could simply bet more money at a different roulette table, which would produce the same exact spin result as the first table, at the exact same time.”

“But you can’t.”

“But what if you could?”

“But you can’t.”

“But what if you could?”

“You can’t, Rikki, the results of spins at different roulette tables are entirely independent of each other.”

“But what if they weren’t? What if they were, like, connected so that the result of the spin at one table was exactly the same as the other tables, and all the other tables at all the other casinos in town?”


“Sir, is there a problem here?” The waiter had reappeared.  The other customers were looking over.

Sebastian was out of breath. “No, I’m sorry for raising my voice.  It’s just that he’s so stupid sometimes, I…”

“Sports gambling.” Rikki said, looking infinitely pleased with himself.

Sebastian waved the waiter away.  “What are you talking about?”

“There are no limits for sports gambling.”

“Huh?” Sebastian’s brow furrowed.

“You can place bets in as many sportsbooks as you want.  So in theory you could bet on something like…say the over/under for runs in a baseball game. And if you run into the limit at the first  sportsbook, you can just make up the difference at another sportsbook. And so on. ”

“Yeah but that way you only get to make a single bet every three hours!” Sebastian’s color rose, “I wanna make bets NOW.”

Rikki sat back in surprise.

“Sorry,” Sebastian said, “those new FanDuel ads are really effective.  But this Martingale thing, doubling your bet each time, does that have something do with that Murphy’s Law thing you were telling me about?”

“The Squeeze Play? No, that’s entirely unrelated.  That’s more of a hedge. It’s based on the idea that the universe is out to screw you at all times.  So you use that intention and leverage it to force something to occur that you actually want.  The classic example is that if you want it to rain, just start washing your car.”

“How does that relate to sports gambling?”

“Well,” Rikki said, setting his hands on the table, “Allow me to explain…”

The Augusta AW 151 luxury helicopter banked gently as it completed its final approach over the aquamarine waters of the northwest Caribbean towards the massive superyacht.  Sebastian stifled a laugh as he noticed the name that had been painted prominently on the bow, in letters that were easily fifteen feet high:


Sebastian was seated in the copilot’s seat of the craft.  The pilot glanced over as Sebastian gawked at the massive watercraft and said “first time on the PFO?”

Sebastian started to answer, and then remembered to click the transmit button of the headset he’d been given when they had taken off from Grand Cayman.  “It’s bigger than his last one.”

“Yeah, it’s quite the upgrade. Twice the size, I’m told.” the pilot agreed.

As they got closer, Sebastian was able to discern a bevy of nubile young women wearing French Maid outfits milling about on the deck. “I take harems are legal in international waters?”

“Oh, those women aren’t…that.  I mean…they think that’s why they’re here.  But as soon as they sign their non-disclosure agreements Rikki is going to make them mop the floors and stuff.  It’s this practical joke he’s been pulling for the past few years.  Looks like he’s got…sixteen of them this year.”

“And he thinks that’s funny.”

“Who can say?”

“He’s gotten pretty eccentric these days, hasn’t he?”

The pilot nodded.  “He sure has.”

Several pieces of lace went flying as the helicopter descended towards the deck, and Sebastian’s eyes widened at what was exposed. The pilot noticed.

“I mean, if you’re interested, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind…”

“No, no, it’s fine.  I’m married.”

The aircraft settled gently onto the helipad, and Sebastian stepped out onto the deck.  To his right was a palisade of eight orange trees, their root structure held in what Sebastian assumed were giant pots beneath the surface of the deck.  On his left were eight more; these held lemons.  At the end of the palisade, a bartender stood waiting behind a massive slab of mahogany wood.  Sebastian approached.

“A drink, sir?”

“That would be splendid.” Recognition struck Sebastian, and he smiled. “Hey! I remember you from…what was it, five years ago?  Glad to see you’re still here.  I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.”

“Quite all right.  It’s Alistair.”

“Given the setting, I feel like I should have something tropical.”

“Seems appropriate.  Would a mai tai suit you?” Alistair inquired.

“It certainly would. Thanks.”

Sebastian watched in silence as Alistair began measuring out rum.  The bartender paused for a moment and looked up at him.

“The staff here…we really appreciate you coming.”

Sebastian looked around at the resplendence of the yacht.  “It’s hardly an ordeal.”

“It’s a very difficult time of year for him. And for us. We worry.”

“I do too. That’s why I’m here.”

“It’s particularly bad this year.”

“Let me guess…twice as bad as the year before?”

“It would seem so. If he could just…let it go.”

“He can’t.  He won’t.”

“There can’t be anything more he could possibly want.  Or need.”

Sebastian sighed.  “Where is he now?”

“Below deck.”  Sebastian noticed that the bartender was preparing a second mai tai.  “He’ll join us in time for the coin toss.”

Below deck, at the end of a hallway that featured enough cabins to accommodate sixty-four guests, Rikki stood in front of a frame that held a series of slips of paper, looking at the bottom right.  His fists were clenched.  “This year,” he muttered to himself, “this is finally the year.  I can feel it.  I’ve finally put enough on the line.  No holding back this year.  I’ve bet every single penny on you ghouls.  Every single one.”

Rikki’s gaze drifted to the left.  It crossed back to the right and up a row, and the pattern repeated itself twice more, as though he were reading a page of text in reverse.  His eyes finally reached the top left of the frame, where it all began.

“Please,” Rikki implored, “for the love of all that is holy…let this end.”


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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Ohtani’s gamblor interpreter got just under 5 years.




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Brick Meathook

Do you know what the best part of having pneumonia is?

It’s the drugs, man.


Opioids are good expectorants…

Did they give you some of the Sizzzurp?


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There’s a vaccine available unless RFK Jr axed it already. .


Just got it last weekend. Because of what you said.

Brick Meathook

I’ve had every vaccine ever invented, ever since I was a boy.

In the submarine service there is no doctor aboard on patrol so we were vaccinated against everything and I don’t recall ever being asked permission to be “jabbed.” You lined up and got it because that’s what you did. In five years I never once got a head cold. I’ve kept my vaccine record up-to-date to this day.

But of course consult a heroin addict if you want a different opinion.


“Here’s something that increases your chances of staying healthy. Also, it’s free.”

40% of Amurrikah: “Nice try, comrade.”


My brother got to spend a few days in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, for atrial flutter with pneumonia chaser. Maybe it was because of the heart thing, but he didn’t get the good drugs.


This really is the worst fucking timeline.


Ugh. Looks like I’ll be muting certain college hoops games again…

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Give him a break he’s being going through a hard time.


Dam, spelling is hard.


Hey, glad he’s doing OK and in better health…

but the man’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Horatio Cornblower

Yeah, Dick Vitale seems like a genuinely good guy and I hope he beats cancer and lives a long life, and also that I never hear him announcing a basketball game ever again.


Great work, RTD. A fun read…

Trying to put the ol ‘reverse kibosh’ on the Chiefs, eh?

Well, at the very least you’ll make an easy $120.00


Meant to put this in last night’s trans athlete discussion, but got distracted.

Secondhand, but there are female athletes that consider trans athletes to be cheating. This was from a parent of a girl that is playing D2 basketball, reporting what he heard from his daughter, who heard that from other players. The example given was a 6′ 5″ man that decides at age 17 that he wants to change genders. At that age she could have already gained an advantage over the vast majority of cis females just from skeletal structure and height. God making 6′ 5″ players is one thing, trans females are another, and is unfair.

Do I agree with that? No. Mother Nature makes some 6′ 5″ girls from XX, and sometimes makes some the long way around with XY and help from medical science. It’s a distinction without a difference, if you follow testosterone limits (something something nmol/decaliter).

Horatio Cornblower

All elite athletes have physical advantages over the rest of us. It’s why they’re elite athletes and I sit on my ass taking depositions all day.


Yes, I always found it unfair that James Worthy was 6’9″ and skilled, which is why I sued to be on the Lakers. I won, but was consigned to the Laker Girls. Better fit once I tucked.


Just a guess, but I bet that “unfair path to elite attributes” was the fig leaf for, “Trans girls are icky!”


“This was from a parent of a girl that is playing D2 basketball, reporting what he heard from his daughter, who heard that from other players”

was there a purple monkey dishwasher involved?


Hey, don’t make fun of my writing, I’m from WV! It’s a good thing that I can write at all!


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You even had shoes for church and schoolin’ and such!


What? Naw, B.E.B., that was not my intent at all. Your writing was perfectly clear.

I was referring to the 3rd – 4th hand account of “the facts” and how distorted things can get after the “I heard from a friend who has an Aunt who works with a guy who said that his wife’s sister…” wringer.



After I looked at it I thought, “That is a lot of commas.”


was clear to me, (a fellow comma junkie)


For the first time since 1967 the Super Bowl-winning team won’t be running train on Virginia McCaskey. Another tradition bites the pillow dust!


blaxito’s little ritzy school that’s always hitting me up on fundraisers is like, “hey, we’re doing a fundraiser for sister little ritzy schools in Los Angeles ‘affected by’ the wildfires.” And part of me is like, ‘Well that makes sense,’ but then another part of me is like, ‘why didn’t they rake their schools?’ So I’m pretty torn. It’s Shake Shack.


Best advice I can offer is burn down your kid’s school to make it fair.


Ritzy little schools should not be begging, unlike that peasant public school system which continually has to beg.

Brick Meathook

“why didn’t they rake their schools?”


Is today the best day in Bears history?


The McCaskey demise AND Waldron getting hired elsewhere?

Big day indeed.

Game Time Decision

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I thought it was a heroin overdose, I should stop reading the Daily Mail.


Meth. She’s was already dead since the 80’s

Game Time Decision

Who knew there was that much money involved in betting on Roombas?
Not even sure what those bets would be


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Game Time Decision

shoulda known there’d be a Simpson’s GIF that was appropriate


suckers betting on suckers

Game Time Decision

Totes stealing this to use as our tag line
-FanDuel marketing


I was hoping this was going to go further into explaining your various gambling systems.

Now I see that it’s mainstream to bet the No Pass Line on America.


Hang in there, it’s almost over!



Horatio Cornblower

“$600 for the weekend, on a yacht, with all I could eat and drink, and all he made me do was clean the toilets and make sure the Roomba was charged up. He didn’t even watch! What a weirdo.

Nice yacht, though.”

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Brick Meathook

NEW in “Items I need to buy” is the Curta Mechanical Calculator. Decent specimens average around $1200 on eBay although I saw one for $860.

Because I need one.




Also helpful if you want parmesan on your Caesar


or a sprinkling of freshly ground pepper.

Brick Meathook

This is why I split the atoms and operate the precision machinery.

SOS would be cranking a mechanical calculator over his salad, wondering why cheese was not being dispensed. “It don’t work harf harf” you can almost hear him saying.


lol Brick knows how I talk

Brick Meathook

I do, lad, I do.

Horatio Cornblower

As a former resident of Cheshire, CT, I can vouch for the accuracy of RTD’s reaction to ‘Black’

Horatio Cornblower

Also, as to this post

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Outstanding, and Go Birds.


go birds


Me: “You know, winning the National Championship isn’t that bad.”


BLEERGH: “Not yet.”

Me: “I get to wear a new shirt. It pissed people off.”


BLEERGH: “Patience.”

Me: “And most importantly, its driving Michigan fans up a wall.”

DOINK: “Now?!”

BLEERGH: “Almost…”

Me: “I can’t think of anything wrong with Ohio State winning the National Championship.”

BLEERGH: “…aaaand now.”

Ryan Day contract: Ohio State rewards coach with extension, salary bump after national title victory – CBSSports.com


*sniggers in schadenfreude

Horatio Cornblower

Ohio State (The) fans getting pissed off that their national championship winning coach got an extension and raise is why this country deserves to be flooded out from one end to the other when the ice sheets melt.


Let’s be honest, Ryan Day getting a raise and being mentioned in the same Ohio State Pantheon as Paul Brown, Woody Hayes, Jim Tressel and “Bumpin’ and Grindin'” Meyer isn’t even on the Top 10 List of why Buckeye Fans like me deserve to be wiped off the face of the Earth!


You obviously don’t encounter enough Ryan Day to get an allergic reaction.

The scary thing for me is this OSU shit is sinking into me via osmosis or something. It’s only taken 37 years, but it’s happening. My mind is going. I can feel it.


one of us one of us


“Well, there it is-worst coach to ever win a Super Bowl.”

-Eagles fans, if Philly wins, after asking someone to hold their beer


/Mike Ditka has entered the chat


lol Rikki’s hell produced art, thank you for sharing!


As a Laker fan….


He’s just mad because Luka would’ve been a perfect fit for Boston fans.


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I can tolerate BAWSTAHN in this one instance…


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Like Redshirt’s Ohio State national championship, one can find the little things that are good.


Bobby Huggins always stated Joe would be a great coach if he wanted to be.


You’re going to have to be more specific…


-fit and also something else. Hmmm


So mny peeple rite so purty on dis site. Really good job RTD!


Excellent work Señor RTD.


Dok, I have found my version of a robe, a serape! Been really nice, keeps me warm, arms are free, and if I get too hot I just throw it over my shoulder like Clint Eastwood in Fistful of Dollars at the final gunflight.


Dats cultural appropriation, smgdh.


If it works for me, I will appropriate and give the culture credit for the item I am appropriating.


Wifey made these super nutritious, protein-laden circular granola thingies. Much to her chagrin, I call them [white] Power Cookies.



I found this gentleman on Youtube “Feral Historian” who has a really good take on the Imperium of Man. I have really enjoyed his historical take on SF books and movies as well as the cultural influences on the works. His Canticle of Lebowitz video is a really good.



nice alawys bet on DFO.

Bloomberg had a good article a few years ago by a team taht managed to beat roulette finally. A smaller version is at



Super write up Sir. But you missed the guy over in the corner with the busty brunet… that was me… and we were winning big.


Bringing good vibes
