Horatio Did The Draft: Arizona Cardinals 2017

Oh. Hello there. I wasn't expecting company. Welcome to my humble abode. /camera cuts around cluttered shed. //a raccoon chitters from the corner As you may recall, I started doing mock drafts here in 2017. Or maybe you don't recall: I didn't, and had to look through the archives to find out. Holy

Monday Morning Mock Draft

Morning folks. I'm a bit stumped for a topic this morning, and I'm dealing with having to write an appellate brief as well. I am not an appellate attorney. When in doubt, I dip into the Suggestion Box and pick a topic from one of you fine Kommentists. Today's topic

Monday Morning Mock Draft

It's 11:43 AM (B)EST time, so this is still the morning. Apologies for the lateness, but I forgot about this last night, then I had a compelled deposition this morning where I had to actually pay attention. I hate those. And on a Monday, no less. I have