Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Game Day Quickie – Chicago Style Italian Beef Sandwich

Well hello there everyone! Didn't expect an "in season" Sunday Gravy post now did you? One of the promises I made to myself was that if I cooked anything tasty during football season that could be converted into a "Game Day" meal then I would share that fucker. Guess what? I cooked just that

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Season Finale! Taking Game Day Food One Step Beyond!

Good morning all and happy Labor Day weekend! We made it! We got through the longest off season of any major sport! We survived and are hereby awarded with real motherfucking football next week! As such, today will be the season finale of Sunday Gravy. For you newer readers Sunday Gravy is one

Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: The Scofflaw

Happy Friday everyone. Hopefully your Friday is going better than mine. By the time this posts, I'll be recuperating from shoulder surgery, related to the dislocation I've mentioned over the past few weeks. However, that will in no way, shape or form keep me from mixing tasty beverages. I'm sneaking

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Iowa Pork Tenderloin Sandwich!

Good morning everybody! Hope everyone's having a good weekend. Next weekend is Labor Day Weekend, which will feature substantial grillage no doubt, then the following week? Motherfucking football! Got a real fun one for you today. Super goddamn tasty, pretty damn easy to make and can actually double as a couple of featured