Request Line: Rage Against the Machine

Thanks to my own idiocy, Wordpress ate most of the post I was working on, and it's too fun of an idea to publish a truncated version, so we're going to celebrate that fact with a different topic.  Today's theme is RAGE.  Pick up to ten of the angriest songs

Request Line: Gingers

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY ANDY DALTON: [impassioned] Red hair is a quarterback's game. PRODUCER: [reading from a magazine] Uh huh. ANDY DALTON: The harsh truth is, most red-haired football players look like blonds who've spoiled from lack of refrigeration. They look like brown-haired men who've been composted. Yet that same pigmentation that

DFO Radio: Duets and Assembling Your Squad

Last week we changed things up a bit in honor of the draft and assembled new bands out of existing musicians.  But before we get to that, let's get Tom Brady and Bill Belichick's "Duets" playlist out of the way. Pick of the Week goes to SonOfSpam for snapping up

Request Line: Assembling Your Squad

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join our regularly scheduled programming in progress. JON GRUDEN: ...AND SO WHEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU'VE FOUND YOUR GUY, YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM. PRODUCER: I mean of course that make sense, but when you see a consensus that's going the other way, doesn't it give you

DFO Radio: Tear and Repair

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join the show in progress.  Things seem calm and under control in the studio.  The PRODUCER and DJ 3000 are situated outside the booth, while a young man is seated inside speaking into the properly positioned, appropriately leveled microphone. TYLER EIFERT: ...and normally, when I walk

Request Line: Down

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are fulfilling their investor-mandated office hours.  One - DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS - appears to be hard at work, depositing royalty checks, opening and closing manilla folders, and making notes on a post-it pad.  The other - RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY -

Request Line: Joined at the Hip

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A pair of men sit calmly behind the desk inside the recording booth.  The PRODUCER punches the talkback button. PRODUCER: Okay guys, we're looking good.  We've got ten more minutes of Jimmy and the Animal closing out, plus six more minutes of commercial, and then we're on.  Thanks

Request Line: Piano Men

INT. PATRIOTS TRAINING FACILITY - 9 A.M. - SATURDAY Patriots Director of Player Personnel NICK CASERIO is hard at work in a conference room.  He glances up as the regular crowd of players shuffles into the training facility to begin their entirely "voluntary" offseason workouts.  There is an old man -

Request Line: Imports

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join things in progress, as ROBERT KRAFT sits in front of the microphone telling a ribald story. ROBERT KRAFT: ...and then I say, 'I think you're gonna need another towel!' [slaps desk] Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! DJ 3000: [off air] Good God! PRODUCER: [punches

Request Line: Can We Talk About It?

Still me, tWBS  this week. OK, settle down everyone. Rikki-Tikki-Deadly  will allegedly be back next week.  Allegedly. Hopefully, he'll have a more uplifting theme for you.  But I'm in a bad mood and music is the only thing soothing my weary soul. I've had a bad coupla weeks.  Bad coupla months, actually. But it hit

Request Line: Buckle Up

I'm sitting in for Rikki-Tikki-Deadly  this week on request line. He has decided it was a good idea to get on a plane and fly to the other side of the world. And even though he's all fancy n junk and can afford to be flying, probably in first class knowing him... I've