INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at his desk, sipping coffee. DJ 3000 remains in his usual location, but his "connection active" light keeps flashing repeatedly. PRODUCER: Having any luck? DJ 3000: YEAH, I JUST GOTTA KILL ALL THESE MALWARE ADS. NO, I DON'T NEED TO UPDATE MY FLASH PLAYER, SSN_RIPPERS.RU,
Tag: Request Line
Request Line: My face! My valuable face!
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at the soundboard, looking relaxed but somewhat distant. DJ 3000 remains in his usual location. DJ 3000: SO, HEY. PRODUCER: [glances at him] What's up? DJ 3000: I WAS WONDERING...EVER SINCE THE SUPER BOWL, HAVE YOU NOTICED ANYTHING DIFFERENT ABOUT ME? PRODUCER: The software updates? Yeah, I
Request Line: Non-Alcoholic Beverages
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY Hey man, are you there? ...yeah, I'm here. I'm gonna need a bit of an assist today. ...still a bit wobbly from last night, huh? Just a bit. ...don't sweat it, I've got you. Let's roll. INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at the soundboard, looking as cheerful as we've ever
Request Line: When the Bullet Hits the Bone
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY ...I'm not sure I understand, that price included the part with the avocado oil? Yeah, they said that...oh, shit. Looks like we're live again. [blushes] Don't tell me you're embarrassed for people to find out that you're curious about this? I mean, maybe a little. Anyhow, we should probably get to
Request Line: But…but…but…
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY Well, that was something else. Oh, you're great, you're back. Yeah. Where'd you go? t's a long story, I'll explain once we get things started. You're not going to disrupt things this week? No, no, let's get to the music. As you wish... INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at the soundboard, preparing
Request Line: All You Need Is Kill
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY [waits expectantly for an interruption] [none is forthcoming] Huh. Again? Now I'm getting a little worried... INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at the soundboard, looking comfortable and casual. DJ 3000 seems to have settled into his summer routine as well. PRODUCER: Hey, so I had a question for
Request Line: I’ll Give You Something To Cry About…
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY [waits expectantly for an interruption] [none is forthcoming] Huh. Guess he took an early weekend. Anyhow... INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at his desk, a broad frown on his face. DJ 3000: WHY SO DOWN, MY GOOD FRIEND? PRODUCER: Oh, you know, just this Gray May / June Gloom
Request Line: When In Rome
INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A sleazy Hollywood producer... Wait - not a pair of sleazy Hollywood producers? No, just the sitting on the couch in his office. Instead of his regular partner, today he is accompanied by... DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: ...and so here I am. DJ 3000: WOW. AND SO YOU
Request Line: Carpentry
Request Line: Toeing the Line
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The regular one again? WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M ON A TIGHT SCHEDULE HERE. [huffily] INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at his desk, with a pile of items in front of him. DJ 3000 is standing nearby, looking apprehensive. The PRODUCER carefully builds