INT. RECORDING STUDIO – MORNING A producer and a pair of drive-time radio personalities are engaged in an animated discussion. THE ANIMAL: Is this a fucking joke? PRODUCER: I assure you, this is not a joke. JIMMY: We're being pulled off the air for WHAT? PRODUCER: Trust me, I'm as surprised as you guys are. Take the
Tag: Request Line
Request Line: Delusions of Grandeur
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer sits outside the recording booth, sipping coffee. A redheaded young man is seated inside the booth. PRODUCER: So I'll count it off, and then you'll be live. I'll feed you a few interview questions to get things started, and then we'll start taking requests. Sound good? —[door
Request Line: Outright Thievery
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee. CONNOR, THE INTERN: …but seriously, if there's anything here you actually care about, get it out of sight. PRODUCER: [picks up a gold-plated miniature Peabody Award replica and opens a desk drawer] CONNOR: …mmm, probably better if you
DFO Radio: Normal at Heart
Request Line: Normal at Heart
Request Line: Exit Music (For a Season)
Request Line: Songs That Make You Want To Run Through A Goddamn Brick Wall
DFO Radio: Pickin’ Apples
Request Line: Pickin’ Apples
Request Line: Colorin’ Time with Eli!
DFO Radio: Hi-Fi Sci-Fi
SWEET SWEET FOOTBALL METHADONE! Thanks to the one-two punch of (meaningless) football and the Summer Poo-lympics, last weekend was pretty much the sportsiest weekend of the summer. We've got just more than three weeks of speculating about depth charts and final rosters, lamenting over injuries, and revising our fantasy draft boards
Request Line: Hi-Fi Sci-Fi
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - LATE NIGHT The segment producer and an intern - CONNOR - stand in front of the sound board, peering into the recording booth. PRODUCER: [yawns] You got that coffee? CONNOR: [hands over a steaming mug] PRODUCER: How are we for time? CONNOR: Two minutes to air. If you don't mind my asking,