DFO Radio: 8-10-15

What a weekend!  Thanks to Awful Announcing, it looks like we’ve got a ton of new faces around here, so I’ll say it once more: WELCOME!  We’re hoping to keep the spirit of dick jokes alive – we’ll continue to deal with real life problems like the ones the NFL faces every day, but we’ll also be doing the opposite, getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers.  To wit, I’m excited to announce the evolution of DFO Radio with our new “Request Line” series.  I thought I’d address any questions in the form of a Q&A session.

Q: Okay, so what is this new “Request Line” thing?

A: It’s basically a combination of the old mock drafts and the free-for-all weekend posts where we’d dump a bunch of youtube videos into the komments.  For the upcoming Request Line feature every Friday we’ll have a new guest DJ (featuring some familiar faces like Ray Lewis, Tom Brady, and Todd Haley) and a new topic, and every Sunday evening/Monday morning I’ll aggregate the songs into a DFO Radio post.

Q: So we’re supposed to post requests, and you’ll play them?

A: No, you have to find the youtube links yourself and then post them in the comments.

Q: Why is it called “Request Line” then?  That’s stupid.

A: No, you’re stupid.

Q: No, you are.

A: Wait, isn’t this supposed to be a question and answer thing? Come on, let’s get back on track.

Q: Hey, I posted a “request” link and it didn’t make it into DFO Radio?  What the hell, man?

A: All the songs are aggregated by some javascript code that I wrote.  It’s not perfect – sometimes it misses things.  Also, sometimes youtube has issues with songs (not playable in the U.S., user account gets deleted, etc.) so I have to clip them out.  I also clip out all full albums and multiple-song live performances.  And non-music videos get clipped too.  You can be assured it’s nothing personal – I’m just trying to keep the playlists nice and tight so folks can enjoy them at work on Monday (assuming they are not Raiders fans and have jobs).

Q: What if I have an ass-kicking song I want to post that doesn’t fit with the theme?

A: Go nuts, man.  The themes are just a guideline – if you’ve got something you want to share, by all means go ahead and do it.

Q: So is there an edition of DFO Radio this week?  Cause that’s what I came here for, not some stupid nonsense about future posts.

A: There is!  Here’s the results of last week’s mock draft (Best Soundtracks from Worst Movies).  Enjoy!




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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Everyone needs to read Spencer Hall’s post about Myanmar/Burma. Reading stuff like that reminds me that I’m a monkey typing on a keyboard and he’s an actual writer:


Changlorious Basterd


But in all seriousness, it’s a superb article. As a Brit our colonial legacy is very ugly indeed and something to be ashamed of. But then 99% of our population would think that Burma was some kind of Curry recipe.


I think a comment you were going to post got caught in the spam web and got deleted. You might want to try again.

Changlorious Basterd

Long day at work, I’m not even sure how I posted it twice

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The word “colonial” pretty much identifies asshole human beings; except in biology where it is mutually beneficial does colonialism work for both parties.

Changlorious Basterd

I cannot disagree with you here. It’s why it annoys me when the racist shitbags come out in force complaining about asylum seekers and immigrants while willfully ignoring the fact that we British ruin just about everywhere that we go. Sometimes I wish I was Swiss, gloriously neutral Switzerland…


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Well, I think we’ve found the source of all of our problems; THANKS SEP!



That gif reminds me of one of my favorite Will Ferrel bits:



Not my fault stray dogs follow me around. Maybe it’s the bacon I keep in my pockets?


Ayo, RTD… Some of the stuff I posted in the Cover Songs post didn’t carry over. HOWEVA, I posted a few videos as replies so do you think this could cause a problem with your program?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

My comment about SEP being some kind of destroyer of worlds got eaten; jet fuel cannot burn through videos, sheeple.


My comment that was supposed to be here is in the thread directly above. It is very dangerous being an idiot with just enough knowledge to fuck things up.



That reminds me of a not-too-successful attempt at anal sex I may or may not have had.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Schrödinger’s Hershey Highway?


Q: Is Joe Flacco elite?

/asking for a friend whose initials are “PFTC”



Uproxx is looking more and more pathetic.


Yeah, I tweeted him last night after he posted something shitty about DOF. His response was 100% Uproxx Corporate Shit Lords approved. He’s a bitch.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Wait, what? Already?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Changlorious Basterd

The combined fury of the Kommentariat has got him sweating…



I just want to say that is a great choice for an avatar!

Don T

/GIF of page turning, book closing, put on a trunk, lit on fire, sweeping ashes on dustbin, put in a transatlantic ship, ship exploding in the middle of the ocean.


Q: Didn’t the radio antenna graphic used to be green? GOD WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS SITE?


comment image


Can we put in dedications?

From Smoochy Poochy to Lovey Dovey. I miss you sweet lips! (Link to Closer by Nine Inch Nails)


I’m stupid?!? Well, BAZINGA



Q: What if I AM stupid?

/asking for a friend.