So everyone did a really good job of requesting songs about color, but it ended up being such a huge playlist that when I downloaded it I used up all the data on our family plan and so I didn’t get my mom’s text about meeting her BEHIND the Quest Training Center instead of out front like usual so she wouldn’t have to wait in line with all the other moms and so instead of getting out of there in time to make her eyebrow appointment she ended up missing it entirely. She was PISSED.
She said some pretty rotten things, and I started crying, and then I think she felt really bad, cause then she said that’s not the dumbest thing anyone’s stupid athlete kid did this week, not even close, and that I’m not allowed to go to Brazil, ever.
So no Mobile Strike for a whole week. 🙁 But at least the music finished downloading, so I guess I’ll have that to listen to in the meantime.
WHOA! Eli said the P word!
Needz moar comic sans
I don’t have many regrets, but certainly regret not including this obvious omission:
In a strange dynamic, on my desktop the Playlist had exactly 200 songs while my phone showed the Playlist to have 242.
Just tossing that out there.
Yeah, same here. I’m not sure why.
I may have to get radio tower crayon as a tattoo!