I’m staying in today.
I’m staying in tomorrow.
Save for walking the dog, I don’t intend to leave this house unless I need to. Now this doesn’t mean I’ll start using rags to wipe my ass after the toilet paper runs out (13 rolls left), but it does mean that when my neighbor invites me to a get-together and responds to my declination with “but we’ll have hand sanitizer” I will politely end the conversation. So far the Dr. Mrs. Deadly, Esq. (ret) and I have surfed in front of the wave of infections (Seattle, flying home from Israel on a plane whose last stop had been in China, Venice Beach just last week) but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna make it easy for this thing to get me. I put half of my 401k into cash for the time being, bonds prices are skyrocketing, and oh yeah, there’s this:
That bet against SonOfSpam was only operative for a week, and the markets are convinced we’ll be getting another cut in two weeks. We sterilized all our devices with isopropyl alcohol just now and had the housekeeper cancel until further notice. I am not scared that I am going to die from Coronavirus. But I do not want to catch it, and I do not want to spread it. I have been picking up sticks to press buttons instead of using my hands, and even though I avoid touching anything outside of my own property I make sure to wash them well when I come back in.
Please take care of yourself. Here’s some tunes.
Speaking of biohazards, my killjoy wife insisted that I dispose of two quarts of chicken stock that I made and forgot to freeze. I bet if I just threw it back into the pressure cooker it’d have been fine.
Here’s a fun etiquette question:
I have a meeting here at work with 2 new potential clients at 2:00 today. I’ve never met them in person.
Do we shake hands?
These are Aerospace engineers and that IS relevant.
No. If they attempt a handshake tell them you aren’t shaking hands for the next few weeks. If they press, tell them you live with someone who has a weakened immune system, so you aren’t taking *any* chances of bringing it back home.
It’s loose in Venice, btw.
I’m right by LAAFB and that’s right down the damn street.
Well, you could go with the presidential terrorist fist bump,
or the equally presidential beer bro belly blast.
It takes a little coordination, but a cock-slap works well. You can even call it a “high five” as long as you’re not greeting Brett Favre.
If you don’t shake, aren’t you accusing them of being filthy unwashed swine people?
Shake, then wash after. If you die at least you weren’t rude
Or, when they offer to shake, drop to the ground and go into a spastic fit.
Your move, potential client.
The senor engineer was cool. He said “We’re currently in fist bump mode.”
The second engineer was female and walked up directly, introduced herself and shook hands.
I used the hand sanitizer station as soon as I got back.
yeah right, dramatic re-creation:
Open the pod bay door Hal.
BTW, the Dow was down almost 1000 points today. I’m convinced there was some fuckery by the Fed at the end of the day to keep it from closing below that symbolic threshold.
You can use whatever beer I get you to sterilize your liver. I think that works, scientifically speaking.
But…and hear me out on this…what if you got him Wuhan’s Number One Best Beer?
When will the DFO Radio “End of the World” episode come out?
Don’t get DJ3000’s hopes up…
It will come out in four years ago:
I should have guessed. Still, relevant.
Went back to that post (June 2016), and saw that I posted Randy Newman’s “Political Science” with the comment that “this won’t be funny if Trump gets elected” – I really really thought back then that there was just no fucking way it could happen. We deserve this virus and several more.