We have a family friend who is in a bad way right now. He’s actually my mother’s hairdresser and he’s as gay as the day is long. He’s a good man. A very sweet and friendly man. And no, I don’t mean that as a pun. He has a conscience and he’s always been good to my mother.
Obviously given social distancing and the (at least temporary) shutting down of businesses such as his, he’s having a difficult time right now. He also has some health issues, among which are that he had a stroke a few months back and is now completely blind in one eye. He also recently had surgery on his foot and can’t get out and do for himself for the time being at least.
As a bonus, his partner died very unexpectedly about a year ago. As I said he’s had a hard time lately.
Since all of this has started, and of course now the virus thingy too…. I try to check in with him once a week or so. I called him last night to check on him and find out how he was doing. Fortunately he was honest. Not terribly well.
His surgical wound is not healing correctly. He told me he still has to hop around the house on one foot. He had an appointment yesterday to have his sutures removed but they told him it would be at least another three weeks before they could take them out. That will make it five weeks. That’s a problem. Surgical wounds should not take that long to heal. But technically none of my business. Still though, obviously getting out and doing groceries is not an option for him right now for a few reasons.
So Mom and myself talked about it. In spite of the whole social distancing and cabin fever thing we have more than we need. And so, we called him back.
I didn’t want to pry into his business and I didn’t want to make him feel like an invalid. It was a delicate situation. Again, fortunately he was honest.
So I went to the store yesterday evening and bought a shitload of groceries. They’re in Dave as we speak. Mom started cooking. Casseroles, etc. Things he can easily just heat up and chow down on. Later today we’ll be delivering them to him. I suspect we’ll probably just leave them on his porch and then he’ll have to hop them into the kitchen, etc. But even still, it’s easier for him than to have to hop through a grocery store and then cook for himself.
My point is this…
You can’t completely fix everyone’s problems in life. Sometimes they’re not completely fixable anyway. But sometimes you’re able to at least ease the difficulty if they’re open to it.
And if you can, you should. It’s a nice feeling.
Take care of yourselves. And help those whom you care about if you can. Even just a phone call or a text message to let them know you care and are thinking of them can sometimes do wonders.
Be well my friends.
[…] before he died. It was about him and his Mom helping someone in a very bad situation. It’ s a great and brief read, but I’ll just attach the end here because it’s a wonderful […]
[…] confirmed by Friday hangovers. Recently, Wednesdays became Positive Days, thanks to tWBS’s ”Wednesday Motivational”. Man I miss that […]
Multiply this story by 30+ million and you gotta know it’s going to eventually tear apart this country’s social fabric. But compassion like you’ve shown is inspirational. As a sixty year old, I get a lot of calls and texts from my younger friends, acquaintances, and colleagues asking how I’m doing and can they do anything for me. I have been asking them to direct their concern to other folks who are doing less well than I; I at least have a government job, and will continue to get paid at least until we go full Mad Max world.
Artist’s depiction of…… well, several things.
It’s so strange to watch the financial markets at a time like this. The GDP numbers were out today – minus 4.8%. And the stock market is up. Again. Despite all the profligate money printing, inflation is not going up, but I think we might have to start splitting that into “rich person inflation” and “poor person inflation”. Rich person inflation is the cost of things that rich people care about and can afford – basically assets (stocks & bonds), real estate, first class travel, private school and college tuition, etc. Poor person inflation is stuff like food, alcohol, electronics, budget travel, etc. The first is happening, because that’s where all the newly printed money is going. The second is not, because none of the newly supplied money is entering that arena in the form of wages. Plus, with coronavirus, none of it is moving around very much, either.
The second is not, because none of the newly supplied money is entering that arena in the form of wages.
It’s weird, almost like the people in charge are paying themselves and their friends while telling the rest of us to fuck off.
“Killin’ it! And I know what I’m talking about.”

I reads on the Twitters, so prob BS, but a big chunk of that decrease comes from the all the cancelled health care stuff
Consider the source.
…..but they have nipples…..
Stupid cats.
“Cat walks where cat wants to walk, bitch.”
I’ve done this. It’s crazy.
It’s not like this but there is some places in The Maze, Canyonlands, Utah where the you can’t see the foot-holes in a wall, you have to feel for them base on a memory of pictures in the rangers’ office. I was definitely confronting my fear of heights. #tightballssack.
Staring longingly is okay, right?
You can listen too…..
I’ve wanted to take my wife there for years. Knew it was a strenuous hike, which she could handle, but had not seen that.
This is not gonna go over well.
On the bright side, that’s past the campgrounds on the way to the river so you don’t HAVE to go.
On the not so bright side, it’s the only way to get to the cool shit on the way to the river.
I’ll just take the elevator, thanks!
I am too ignorant to embed the video.
Another milestone has fallen.
This on G Road.
You are a good guy, Seamus! I have been struggling with how much I should tell you folks about myself, because I truly hate being a Debbie Downer, but today is such a horrible day for me, so here goes. April 29 is the 10th anniversary of the day my beautiful, kind, brilliant son Ben took his own life at the age of 26. He struggled with mental illness basically from puberty, and his dad and I tried everything in the book to help him, doctors, medicine, hospitalizations, and two long term outward bound programs that lasted a couple of years. He was the bravest person I have ever known, and he handled his issues with dignity and an amazing sense of humor, until the day he couldn’t anymore. We were so proud of him, and we will miss him terribly for the rest of our lives. This time of year is hardest or us, every two weeks there’s something:today, then Mother’s Day, then Ben’s birthday, then Father’s Day. It sucks, believe me, but it’s the people like you who help us feel better when we’re down. So keep making me laugh, mofo’s, I really need it!
I am sorry. I have no idea what that loss would be like.
Thanks, your images always crack me up!
It is purely selfish; I am the one I’m trying to crack up.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad our little site helps in any way.
We’re here for you. The one thing the original crew brought over from our mother blog was a sense of community and we’ve tried to keep that spirit alive here. We truly are our own social network.
You can talk to us anytime.
Best wishes.
So sorry…that’s something no parent should ever have to go through. And the pain he must’ve felt shouldn’t happen either. Glad the writers here are helping; they’re a talented bunch who constantly make me laugh, cry, and/or feel horny, Best of everything to you and your family.
I’m pretty sure I’m responsible for the horny. I’l take that as a compliment.
So sorry to hear this. We’re all here for you if you need an ear.
Did anyone else know that Mark Zuckerberg was home sick in bed?
Found a funny:
tattoo artist: [halfway through garfield tattoo] so do you like lasagna too ha ha
me: [huge fan of 20th president] what?
That is good.
You’re a good dude, tWBS.
Too bad you hate soccer.
I actually don’t hate soccer. One of my favorite memories was watching the World Cup with Dad the year before he died.
I just like screwing with you guys.
(psssst…don’t tell anyone I admitted to that)
He likes underwater soccer.
Pussy protection
This morning I found a pink piece of paper on my doorstep. It was a drawing of a cat with “Love Reed” written on it. And I had just assumed none of the neighbourhood parents allowed their children near my house.
[loads shotgun]
Come on, man, they’re just kids.
Use rock salt.
Damn kids with their Semtex suits with Primacord trim…
Suicide hugger? Twisted.
I feel like it’s a mistake to leave it all in packages labelled “Hoarded Flour/Sugar.” I mean, you don’t see Scotchy engraving “Murder Weapon” on all his axes and clubs and whatnots.
It’s great letting tho.
(Reed is what he calls his penis)