Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Gut Punch

I’m not going to lie, I’m still at a loss for words. This week has been quite depressing. I’ve lost count as to the number of times I’ve edited this post, because I don’t know if I can adequately express how I feel.

Losing The Wee Baby Seamus this week has been rough. I lost a friend whom I never actually met, but was somehow close to. Seamus was a person behind a keyboard, and a person beyond the avatar here. A good man. A kind & generous man, who by all accounts, did his best to make the world a bit of a better place. The Wednesday motivationals were peeks into the kind of person he was. He had a platform here and used it to make us all laugh, make us better people, and reassure us that it’s going to be OK.

I think we all needed to hear that, especially now.

I don’t know what else there is to say. I can’t even come up with a witty segue into the drink recipe. A drink that Seamus is directly responsible for. He generously sent me two pounds of ghost peppers, and expected nothing in return. I offered to pay for the shipping, and to send back some jam and vodka I ended up making, but his payment was my enjoyment of his gift. With that, I think it’s only fitting that I re-make the Brazen Bull.

1½ ounces of ghost pepper vodka

¾ ounce fresh lime juice

¾ ounce simple syrup

1 lime wedge

In a shaker full of ice, add all ingredients. Shake vigorously. Pour into a lowball glass, garnish with lime wedge. Brace yourself.

Just as good as before. Though somehow, the vodka seemed to get hotter the longer it sits, even though the pepper is long gone. I ended up using 1 oz of regular vodka, and a half ounce of the ghost pepper vodka. That seems to be the golden ratio of adding enough heat to fit the name, but also still make it drinkable.

Either way, this week really isn’t about the drink. It’s about only one thing.

Raises glass

To Seamus.

I still have another full bottle of the vodka I made from his peppers. I’ll be thinking of him every time I use it.

Thanks for the heat, and the laughs.

You’re damn right I did Seamus. Thanks to you.

I’ll close with his usual ending from the Sexy Friday posts. Because it’s truly how I feel, and I’m sure you all feel the same way too.

Love ya’s


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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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[…] qualities have been duly covered in dynamite testimonials the week tWBS died, culminating with a COTW, Request Line and a Sexy Friday for the ages. tWBS did not deserve less. I mean, psht. Good […]


[…] was drunk and I was high. There were dynamite testimonials last year for tWBS, culminating with a COTW, Request Line and a Sexy Friday for the ages. tWBS did not deserve less. I mean, psht. Good on […]

Don T

Beautiful. Also, that drink looks great.


Found a funny:

me: im going out

dog: take me for protection

me: im not doing anything dangerous

dog: loneliness is dangerous


I don’t know how you guys handle heavy spice on mixed drinks. A slightly spicy Bloody Mary is great but if it’s too much, I stop enjoying the drink.


I love spicy food but just do not have a taste for spicy drinks at all.

Game Time Decision

think that the note on the vodka label needs to be bigger so that it’s not missed….unless your name is Senor Weaslo, then just as you were.

Horatio Cornblower

Well done, Sharkbait.


Recipe continued

Make second round with an extra cocktail
Pour one out for tWBS